before (Makedonian) S'os Krst (Latin) ''Isus Cristus''
Vasileos Karanon 808 - 778 B.C
Vasileos Koinon 778 - 750 B.C
Vasileos Tarimaon 750 - 700 B.C
Vasileos Berdikkaoy The FIRST 700 - 678 B.C
Vasileos Argoy The FIRST 678 - 640 B.C
Vasileos Philippoy The FIRST 640 - 602 B.C
Vasileos Aeropoy The FIRST 602 - 576 B.C
Vasileos Alketoy The FIRST 576 - 547 B.C
Vasileos Amyntaoy FIRST 547 - 498 B.C
Vasileos Alexandroy The FIRST 498 - 454 B.C
Vasileos Alketoy The SECOND 454 - 448 B.C
Vasileos Berdikkaoy The SECOND 448 - 413 B.C
Vasileos Arhelaoy 413 - 399 B.C
Vasileos Krateroy 399 B.C
Vasileos Orestoy 399 - 396 B.C
Vasileos Arhelaoy The SECOND 396 - 393 B.C
Vasileos Amyntaoy The SECOND 393 B.C
Vasileos Paysaniaoy 393 B.C
Vasileos Amyntaoy The THIRD 393 B.C
Vasileos Argoy The SECOND 393 - 392 B.C
Vasileos Amyntaoy The THIRD (reappointed) 392 - 370 B.C
Vasileos Alexandroy The SECOND 370 - 368 B.C
Vasileos Ptolemaioy The FIRST 368 - 365 B.C
Vasileos Berdikkaoy The THIRD 365 - 359 B.C
Vasileos Amyntaoy The FOURTH 359 - 356 B.C Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy 359 - 336 B.C Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy 336 - 323 B.C
Antipatroy, emir/regent of Makedonia 334 - 319 B.C
Vasileos Philippoy The THIRD Arideoy 323 - 317 B.C
Vasileos Makedonon Aleksandroj FOURTH 323 - 310 B.C
Berdikkaoy, emir/regent of VASILEONDON MAKEDONIA 323 - 321 B.C
Pytonoy, emir/regent of VASILEONDON MAKEDONIA 323 - 321 B.C
Antipataroy, emir/regent of VASILEONDON MAKEDONIA 321 - 319 B.C
Poliberhon emir/regent of VASILEONDON MAKEDONIA 319 - 317 B.C
Katsandroy, emir/regent of Makedonia 317 - 306 B.C
Vasileos Katsandroy 306 - 297 B.C
Vasileos Philippoy The FOURTH 297 - 296 B.C
Vasileos Alexandroy The FIFTH 296 - 294 B.C
Vasileos Antipataroy The SECOND 296 - 294 B.C
Vasileos Demetroy The FIRST - THE BESIEGER 294 - 288 B.C
Vasileos Pirroy (shared with Lysimahoy ) 288 - 281 B.C
Vasileos Lysimahoy 288 - 285 B.C
Vasileos Ptolemaioy The SECOND - Karon Dze 281 - 279 B.C
Vasileos Melegaroy 279 B.C
Vasileos Antipatroy The SECOND 279 B.C
Vasileos Sostenoy (Commander of the army) 279 - 277 B.C Vasileos Antigonoy The SECOND
Gonoy 277 - 274 B.C
Vasileos Pirroy (reappointed) 274 - 272 B.C Vasileos Antigonoy The SECOND Gonoy (reappointed) 272 - 239 B.C
Vasileos Demetroy The SECOND 239 - 229 B.C Vasileos Antigonoy The THIRD
Doson 229 - 221 B.C
Vasileos Philippoy The FIFTH 221 - 179 B.C
Vasileos Berseos 179 - 168 B.C
In 150 B.C a man named Andrisk claimed to be the son of Berseos (white like Dze) and claimed the throne of Makedonia as Vasileos Philippoy The SIXTH. This was the reason for the Fourth Makedonian - Roman War in which Vasileos Philippoy The SIXTH was defeated by the Romans.
THE ERA OF DZE in Makedonia begins from the enthronement of the Makedonian throne of Vasilios Karanon, somewhere in 748 BC, until the abolition of the letter of Dz - '' '' - Dze, by the Romans in 80 BC.
As a result of the wrong reading of the alphabet KOINON MAKEDONON, by the so-called "historians" of the past, today we have wrong or falsified names of many ancient geographical terms, cities, villages, settlements and names of historical figures with their titles.
We from Makedonia is ALL, faithfully trying to correct those mistakes.
In antiquity do not exist: ''greece'', ''ellas'' or ''hellas'', those names are invented, later in the new era
The ancient original name of ''The Peninsula of the Balkans'' is The Peninsula of Makedonia, while on ''the Peninsula Peloponnese'' was named: ''The Peninsula of Dze'', on the small Peninsula ''Attica'' the name was Dzenika. There, on thats he Peninsulas in antiquity, the name of Dze (the God of the sun) was included in the names of several cities, for example: the future city of ''Athens'' was named Dzena, ''Corinth'' was named: Kudze - "at Dze" or Gorindze - ''up at Dze'' - Goritsa, after the arrival of the Romans on ''the Peninsula Peloponnese'', the names changed.
Аgamemnpn the epic ruler from Mycenae was "pellasgian - belllast - white", who wanted to conquer all around the AGA SEY (Aegean Sea), in his time there were no "Danai's", they came after, they took advantage of the weakness of Dzena (the futureAdzena, Athens but after the arrival of the Romans, how that historical fact happened is explained below).
'',.. When Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy came to Mal (in the campaign against Persia), he made a sacrifice for the hero - the prophet Amphiloch (in war the strongest and the brightest) of Argos, who had a famous prophecy here and was revered as the founder of the city. '',...
146. Homer taught all other poets and artists how to tell lies skillfully.
147. It is Homer who mainly teaches other poets and artists how to tell lies skillfully.- Aristotle
Homer's work should not be taken as historically reliable, this is also noted by Aristotle. Adzaians (Danai's) from Adzena with Euclid's reforms after 403 BC, they took over the Makedonian alphabet ''KOINON MAKEDONON'' and they translate books, including the "Iliad (so the war in Ilion becomes the war in Troy) and the Odyssey", but they adapt the book, adapting it to the Danai's customs and readers, normally it is their "version" and they give them their names, that's what the Danai's did everywhere. That is why this book should be cleaned of "Danai's - Roman viruses", which aims to hide the historical truth, this book is a pure forgery, why is it modified, but it is also "served" as such to our students with decades back.
So they from the Dze Peninsula migrated, everywhere, including the Dzena's (white people, start making a difference, why does it exist), most likely they had some colony of Dzena's from Dzena - white people in Xenia (not ''Ionia'' it is the Latin name, so much later), this is where the term comes from in the future - "relatives from Xenia of the Adzaians'', whether or not they became "Danai's" and how, that is another question, but certainly a large part of the ancient Xenians (not Ionians) were white - white, not Danai's, the coins of the people who lived in that part are proof of Dzenika (Asia Minor), of course with the invasion of the Persians were subjected to assimilation.
After the war in Ilion (Troy), around 1400 BC, the Dorians, who were probably of Scythian origin, conquered the Dze Peninsula, thereby weakening the chaos there militarily and economically. lasted 300 years. In the "Doric invasions", Makedonian tribes also participated, why the next target of the "Araklas Union (Heraklas Union)" would certainly be Makedonia and beyond.
Around 1200 BC, the Phoenicians under the leadership of Cadmus, came to Southern Dzeia (Southern Europe) under the pretext of looking for his sister and founded the city of Dzeva (Thebes so called), so there was "Dze" in the name (sister of Cadmus). '.
In those dark years Dzena was conquered by the Nubians from Upper Egypt who took over from the Coptic pharaohs. Thus, the city of Dzena was become ''Adzena - Danaic'', the small peninsula of Dzenika, becomes ''Adzenika'' or ''Adzeika'', and Dze - the god of sky and light, the Danai's renamed him their god ''ADZE'', mixed with "pellasgians - bellasts - the whites" there in the city of Dzena and thus came into existence ''the Danai's''.
AE - "AЅE"
It is a shame to make a woman from the man, as the Greeks do today who have no connection with the ancients, because of their ignorance.
Adzena - Danaic, the Peninsula Adzeika - Danaic, the Danai's roots are Nubians from Nubia, "Metropolitan Museum of Art" - Baked clay "burial" 520 - 510 BC, it is possible something later, if on the "baked clay" there is a text with the alphabet ''KOINON MAKEDONON'', surely, then at least after 403 BC, real showing how they wey are, dont exsist Danai's today.
The difference is evident in the physiognomy of the figures who driving the chariots, fresco from Aga, Makedonia - 336 BC.
1. 2000 years before our era, the entire Macedonian Peninsula (Balkans) was inhabited by "Pelasgians - Whites" - indigenous white population (racism aside).
Makedonia is mentioned in the book of Homer (Melegene) ILIAD AND ODYSSEY in the war of ILION (the Trioian War) which lasted before 1194 - 1184 years before our era, 550-580 years BEFORE the Makedonian ruler KARANON of Makedonia (this date should be taken as an assumption, the exact year of that war is not known).
146. Homer taught all other poets and artists how to tell lies skillfully.
147. It is Homer who mainly teaches other poets and artists how to tell lies skillfully.- Aristotle
Homer's work should not be taken as historically reliable, this is also noted by Aristotle.
2. Another piece of information is the arrival and settlement of the Phoenicians in Voioa (not Thebes - not Boeotia).
The founder of Dzeva (not Thebes) is the Phoenician Cadmus who, with a large army, came to Voioa (not Boeotia), formerly a land of white people, in search of his sister Dzeia.
The remains of the palace of Cadmus of Dzeva (mot Thebes) date from around 1200 - 1400 AD.BC(this date should be taken as a guess, the exact year is not known).
Arod (Herodotus), an ancient Xenian (Ionian) historian writes (if the inscription is correct, it should read like this) that earlier all of Azenika (future Attica, why the terms "Athens" and "Adzenika" were not known to the historian Arod, that's how we "hunt" the counterfeiters) it was inhabited by white people (Pelasgians) - the whites - white people, but with the arrival of the Danaian's from Nubia - Africa, in Dzena, the Dzenika Peninsula, the white people were assimilated in that part of the Peninsula, the city of Dzena, was named in ''Adzena - Danaic'' (future Athens), the Peninsula became Adzenika (future Attica), but there were still living Whites (Arodos I, 57-58), who we see inhabited the rest of the Peninsula of Dze (Peloponnese), Dzetsalia ( Thessaly, another trap for for forgers, Dzetsalia was a confederation or military union, not a state) and Makedonia.
5. So, after the destruction of Ilon (Trojan War), the Dorians, who were probably Scythian tribes from the north, waged war on the Union of Araclas, the union that captured the city of Ilion, some of the members of the union: Dzena (white), Sparta, Mycenae, Achilea (all they were white at that time) and etc and etc). So then has a "historical gap" of 300 - 400 years, so devastating was that war for the ancient civilization from the southern part of the Macedonian Peninsula to the Dze Peninsula.
This war means weakening the city-states in the south from the Makedonian Peninsula to the Dze Peninsula (Peloponnese) so that those cities were attacked by pirates - Danai's originating from Nubia and over time they were assimilated - such as for example Dzena (bellasti - the whites) in Adzena, became a Danai's - assimilated city,.. but still until the time of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy there were NON-ASSIMILATED WHITES (PELAZGI) who were not accepted in the military-religious organization Amphictyoniad. I will list some of them, they were Metsanion, Megalopoliton and many other city-states. Achilles, the hero of the "Iliad and Odyssey", was white - a white man and a descendant of Molossia - from here Achillea - Molossia - Epirus (after Pyrr), therefore the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was also considered a descendant of Achilleys, by of his mother Olympias.
It should be clearly known that the Macedonians, Phocians and Voioa (Thebes - Boeotia) were not "Danai's", they were first vassals of Persia, they burned Azena (Danai's) together with Persia, then after rejecting the Persian occupation, they became membersof the Amphictyoniad, but, a few centuries later, they became full-fledged heads.
- Amphictyoniad - Am phi cty oni ad (АМ - I eat/belligerently, PHI - strongest/s, C 'ТY ОNI - like you and them, (Y)АD - (for) war, so there is nothing "Danai's-foreign" here, these are all our ancient Makedonian-Bellastic words). Amphictyoniad is a military religious alliance for defense against Persia, it was a successor of the League of Dze (Corinthian League), which is a wider military alliance, but for an attack on Persia, organized by the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy,who was chosen as the leader for life - Agamemnon (after the epic ruler from Mycenae) of the alliance, as well as his successors were to be leaders of the League of Dze. Another important thing was that warfare between members of the League of Dze was forbidden, unlike the Amphictyoniad, in which members fought among themselves.
Amphictyoniad - Am phi cty oni adwas a military-religious alliance for defense against Persia, and in it they often took strong nations to defend themselves from Persia, while they did not accept the weaker ones in the so-called "Holy League" - Amphictyoniad, but on the contrary tried to subjugate them. It included: Adzena (Danai's) city-state, Sparta - city-state (Spartans were white - Pelasgians, the biggest opponents of Danai's from Adzena), Phoenicians - Dzeva (Thebes) - city-state, Macedonia (but Makedonia became a full member only in in 346 BC) unitary monarchy, Dzetsalia (Thessaly) - was a confederation or military alliance, not a state, the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy he "united" it as a territory by annexing it to Makedonia, Fochia - a city-state - white people, on their territory was the holy city of Delphi with its spiritual - religious leader - the "oracle - o racle - he speak - o PA cle ". They practiced the ancient faith with the 12 gods headed by Dze the god of light, for some Dze, Xe (Kse) , Adze for the Danai's and etc.
272. People create gods in their own image, not only in terms of their form, but also in their way of life, said Aristotle.
So every people made their gods like them, for example, the Makedonian Dzena, who was a universal goddess in antiquity:
Dzena of Makedonia from Arakleon (not ''heraclea'')
While the Adzeians (Danai's) worshiped their own, ''Danaic DZE'' - god of light:
Adzaeos/Danai's ADZE
Before the arrival of the Romans in the Peninsula Adzenika (later renamed Athika), there were none ''athenians'', not only ''greeks'', ''hellens'' or ''ellas'' and so on, but there was: ''ADZI'', ''ADZEI'' or ''ADZAEOS'' - so called Danai's (Danai's according to the Rosetta Stone).
The inscription on the Adzeo/Danaic coins - ''АDZE'',, could mean and: ''А DZE'' - ''gift for DZE'', means the letter''А'' separately from ''DZE'', - ''DZE ON'' (from the Rosetta Stone, the third text for the Adzeo/Danai's), or only ''DZE'', there is for sure inscriptions, the name of the ''god of light'' to the adzaians (Danai's) was named as ''АDZE''.
So the Makedonians and others before the Romans came to Peninsula Adzenika and Peninsula of Dze (Peloponnese), were in contact with: ''ADZAI'', - ''ADZAEOS'', not with: ''athenians'', and the name of the city-state, was: ''ADZA'', ''ADZEA'' or - ''ADZENA'', the Peninsula (later renamed to Attica) was named as: ''ADZEIKA'' or ''ADZENIKA'', forgers of historical counterfeiters facts are caught and warned that the whole forgery of counterfeit history has been discovered.
But those poor people may not be to blame, they were simply illiterate.
The Makedonians in their inscriptions named the city of as: "DZENA", (the place of the city where today's Athens is located) the inhabitants of the city as: "DZEIANS", and the Peninsula was named as: DZEIKA (how and Dze) "DZENIKA" (victory of Dze), are probably those is the ancient names, until the city "DZANA" did not fall under "Danai's rule and assimilation" and they added the letter "A" to the name of the god of light Dze, from here: ADZE (the Danai 's god of light) and ''ADZENIKA'' (the name of the peninsula, "Adze Nika" - the victory of Adze), and city of Dzena rinamed in Adzena.
Danai's originated is Nubia - Upper Egypt - Africa.
The Makedonians knew about the continent "Europe ", which they named as: Dzeia, "Middle Asia" they named as:'''' -- Dzeika (ka i Dze - how and Dze ), while the continent "Asia " was named as: Adzeia, not much different from today 's name . The ancient name of the continent "Asia" needs to be further determined.
The letter: '' '' - DZ, w as dedicated to the god of the light DZE. Now the name of the city or the Akropole (Acropolis) is in question, whether they were dedicated to the god of light DZE, or to his daughter Dzena. In the ancient inscriptions, the god of light DZE is always named as: - DZEON (excerpt from the Rosetta Stone, the third text who is intended for the Danai 's), - DZEOY (excerpt from the Rosetta Stone , the third text who is intended for the Danai 's),, ''E'' - DZE, '' '' - DZEON or DZON, SE, DE,
- ''ADZE'' (among the Adzaians),:
'''' - ZO ILOY, (excerpt from a coin from the Makedonian ruler Berseos, ''Ber Dze'' - White as Dze, not ''Perseos'', why is it misread), '' E'' - KSE, but never as a "zeus", so in this way you can recognize the forgeries.
There is no such inscription on the Akropole - ''acropolis'' in present-day in Athens: '''', and this inscription comes from a "decree" that they are hiding why the language of the board is different from the current Greek language '''' , also this inscription on this board
'''' - ADZENA = '' ''- ATHENA = ATINA (Athens).
There is no ancient statue of Athena in the Akropole (Acropolis) either, some Roman (Byzantian) "records" claim (perhaps a forgery) that the statue of Adzena (Athena) was taken to Constantinople, but why did it bring misfortune to the city , they threw her into the sea.Apart from some records that can be falsified about the "ancient" statue, there is nothing else on the subject, except fantasies and fakes.
'''' - ADZENA, if we interpret the noun: ADZENA - ADZE NA:
- ADZE - Аdze,
- NA - to.
We conclude that the name of the city was named as the city ''to Аdze''.
We from Makedonia is ALL, we will name the residents as: ''ADZEI'' - Adzaeos - Adzeians - Adzeo-Danai's, the city state: ''ADZEA'' - Adzana - Adzena, The Peninsula: Adzeika or Аdzenika. After the arrival of the Romans, Аdzenika and The Peninsula of Dze (Peloponnese), can be Athens (the city), Attica and Peloponnese, but at least after 148 BC.
This means that in the time of the Makedonian ruler vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy there were none ,,Athenians'', ''hellens'' or ''hellas'', ''ellens'' or ''ellas'', ''greeks'' or ''greece'', if you find such a name, know that it is a forgery of counterfeit history.
I will give you an example like the city Adzena, (the Adzaeos read it in Roman time ''Adzina'', the letter ''H'' - еtа, they read it as ''I'' - Italy) and changed the name from '' '' - ADZENA, the inscription I am showing you, it is speculated that it was from 378-376 BC, in my opinion this inscription is a forgery or from a much later period, but it does not matter:
'''' - ADZENA I (and) ON (he ) OY, means how was changed the name of Adzena:
'''' - ADZENA = '' '' - ATHINA = ATINA (Athens).
Hence we conclude that the name of the city was changed when the Romans modified it the alphabet "KOINON MAKEDONON" and they threw her out of the alphabet, the letter:'' '' - DZ, they replaced it with: '' '' - TH, to abolish the god of light - ''DZE''.
With the arrival of the Romans in Makedonia and beyond, was replaced the letter: - ''DZ'', with: - ''TH'', to abolish the god of light - ''DZE'''. The letter: '' '' - TH is the Roman ''product''.
The Adzao/Danai's as a people they no longer exist, also their language is extinct, ordinary Greeks do not know the Adzao/Danai's language.
At peace with Bersia (Persia), the members of the Amphictyoniad fought among themselves, as for example between Adzena (Danaic), Sparta and Dzeva (not Thebes), in order to become leaders of the alliance. Sparta even managed to capture Adzena and tried to administer it, but it failed, the Spartans were not considered "administrators". The Spartans put 12 tyrants (the tyrant was the Adzaian - Danai's, president elected by the people of Adzena) in power in Adzena, but the 12 tyrants were so bad with the people that the people rebelled and drove them out, hence the word "tyrant" ' has become the embodiment of evil. That is why today the Greeks are stealing the Makedonian word for ruler - "vasileos" - your light, ruler - avahtos - it is for the Spartans. Today the ''Danai's'' and ''Spartans'' no longer exist, and the Greeks are not ancient, but creation of Otto of Bavaria.
The Makedonian rulerVasileos Philippoy Makedonon he put himself in the service of the "oracle from Delphi (De lfi) - Phocia" and fought for religious purposes 3 times, three times he led Holy Wars, of the type of "crusading wars". Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy took advantage of the rivalry between the warring members of the Amphictyoniad and managed to bring them all under control militarily, except for Sparta, which refused to be a member of the League of Dze (League of Corinth). However, in the end, Sparta also became a member of the League of Dze 330 BC, before it was dissolved, a fact that is hidden.
While the Makedonian rulerVasileon Makedonon Alexandroy he dissolved the "League of Dze" and the soldiers from that alliance were dismissed, but they were allowed to remain as mercenaries, because he was very disappointed with the attitude of the Adzaians (Danaai's) and the Spartans, why they constantly raised rebellions against Macedonia when he was in campaign against Persia.
The Amphictyoniad league is a religious union in which Makedonia was accepted only in 346 BC. as a full member, so not during the time of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexander the First.
THIS IS HOW THEY WERE FROM the military-religious alliance Amphictonia
An inscription mentioned by Didymus reveals to us that at the end of 345 BC - the inhabitants of Metsanion and Megalopoliton were NOT ASSIMILATED PELLASGIANS, they asked to be accepted into the Amphictyoniad league - military - religious alliance in that way to protects himself against attacks of the Sparta, they met with refusal, The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon was inclined to such a transformation that would enable him to exercise supremacy over the entire Peninsula of Dze (Peloponnese) starting from Delphi.
As the Spartans renewed attacks against their neighbors, Metsanion and Megalopoliton, in the spring of 344 BC, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, sent mercenaries to Metsanion aid, and word spread that he himself was preparing to come to undertake a campaign against Sparta.
The Arcadian League, defense alliance from Sparta
Demosthenes succeeds in being sent by the people as an envoy to the Dze Peninsula (Peloponnese) and warns the inhabitants of Argos and Metsanion against the Makedonian alliance; because of their trust in the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, the inhabitants of Olindzeion saw their city destroyed, and the Dzetsalians (Thessalians) lost their freedom:
„The only protection of democracies against tyrants is mistrust".
Demosthenes fails to separate the inhabitants of Metsanion, Argos and Megalopoliton from the Makedonian alliance, but his action provokes a written objection from the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy who is surprised by the hostile behavior of his Adzaian "allies". While the Adazaians (Dania's) agree for the answer they should give to this letter from the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy.
Let's understand one very important thing: "ANCIENT HELLENES" AND "GREEKS" or state DOES NOT EXIST, such a thing does not exist in antiquity.
The name "Greeks" was given by the Romans to the members of the Achaean League, which was created araund 222 BC, to defend themselves from Sparta and thet name was is a reproach, it's not a good name, before the Romans came to the Peninsula of Dze (Peloponnese) "Greeks" and "Greece" did not exist.
While the name "Hellenes" is a Latin term and refers to a RELIGION, not a nation.
The new, Greek state is not connected linguistically, nor culturally, religiously, nor anthropologically with the ancient inhabitants below the Dzermopole Pass (Thermobyle Pass). The Bavarians and the foreigners from 1827 on a paper, and then 1832, made a nation out of the terms "Greeks" and "Hellenes", there is no such thing in antiquity. Greece is a new artificial state, which before 1835 never existed.
"Greeks ", "Hellens", "Greece" or "Ellas", "Hellas", such a thing does not exist in antiquity.
"Greeks ", "Hellens", "Greece" or "Ellas", "Hellas", such a thing does not exist, nor did it exist before 1827 on paper, and in practice only after 1835.
If you do not believe, find them on this ancient map.
The ''HELLENS'' is a people of ancient times who worshiped, adore the God of the sun, so that is a religion, like Christianity today, NOT A NATION. That religion of ancient times today does not exist, and these people believed and worshiped the God of the sun.
''Hellens'' are latin invention for one ancient religion. They ancient nations, believed in God of the sun, which was named differently in each ancient nation.
You must not confuse with the ''Hellenes'' after 1830, because they are a nation invented after yeare 1832, they have nothing with the ancients, and they distinguish themselves culturally and with language, from the ancients.
Today's Greeks want, persist and insist from the ancient "Hellenes", to make a NATION, but EVERYONE should know that those "ancient Hellenes", IT'S A RELIGION invented by the Latin pristes, NOT A NATION. They are a set of different and special peoples from antiquity who worshiped the god of the sun.
From the 22nd line of the Rosetta Stone, we learn who the "Danai's" were, from this part of the text, we conclude that the "Danai's", Ptolemy the FIFTH, he settled them,.. "he gives them his soil as a homeland and protector of the "Danaic"..., from Adzena (Danaic), Adzenika Peninsula and they mostly worked as "mercenaries" - paid army, for the pharaoh - TOI BOGOMO DIVYEI. Azena (Danic) - a city-state that had no more than 20-25,000 inhabitants. Don't get carrieds away that they were "big", but they were small compared to Makedonia.
The alphabet KOIONON MAKEDONON undergoes changes after Roman occupation, the letter is added ''Z'' - ''zeta'', which was not in the alphabet before the Roman occupation, as evidence can be used from the third text of the Rosetta Stone, where although it is intended for the Danai's in Egypt, proof that the Danai's did not use that letter before the Romans came and there is no ''Z'' - zeta, look and see for yourself, this is a sure proof, so that letter "came" with the Romans, as well as the so-called ''Zeus'', so before the Roman occupation there is no "zeus", they were DZE - DZEON and KSE - KSEON - the gods of light.
Dze and Kse - the Makedonian gods of light, are erased and vaporized and replaced by Apollo - a Roman god by the Romans, this also applies to ILE and etc and etc.
Makedonia was a unitary country with many cities and settlements, led by a RULER, more precisely VASILEOS - VAS ILE OS, which means: Your ILE (God of the sun) your light/ruler I am. DO WE MAKEDONIANS, OR NOT, understand this language today, certainly yes.
The NAME "Greeks" - "GRECI" - was given by the Romans to the peoples or FORMER CITY-STATES below Zermiopole (the Thermobyle pass) AFTER THE BATTLE OF THE PLACE OF GRECO with the Achaean League. SO THEIR NAME WAS IMPOSED BY THE ROMANS.
Greco was a small town inhabited by thieves and swindlers. Greco in their Danai's language means thief and trickster.
WHEN THE FIRST GREEK KINGDOM WAS FORMED FOR THE FIFTH TIME IN HISTORY 1829 under the leadership of King Otto of Wittelsbach, Prince of Bavaria born in Salzburg on June 1, 1815, and died in Bamberg on July 26, 1867,
,... when Prince Otto of Bavaria, the future King Otto of Greece, came to Greece in 1834/5, (just formed for the first time in history), he demanded to hear someone speak "Greek" and so he asked:
- "Where are the Greeks in Athens?".
His entourage looked at each other and someone answered:
"-There are no Greeks in Athens, but that won't be a problem because this Albanian population will always be loyal to your monarchy.".
Zacharias Papantoniou, "King Otto".
THE GREEKS AGAIN CHANGED THEIR NAME TO ''HELLAS'' OR ''ELLAS'' ... when they realized what their name meant.
More famous city-states from the time of the 4th century BC that were in contact with the Makedonians are:
- Dzeva (not Thebes) whose founders were the Phoenicians,
- Dzena is the real ancient name of the city, not "the future Athens", the inscription "Athina" appeared with the arrival of the Romans on the Adzenika Peninsula, which was first a Pelasgian city - a city of white people - but then it was conquered by pirates - Danai's from Nubia and normally they spoke a different language than the Bellast's (Pellasgians),.. then the Bellast's from that zone were assimilated.
- Sparta, which was formed by military veterans and eternal opponent of Adzena, at peace with Persia. The Spartans was constantly fought with the Adzaians, and they conquered them once. As slaves, the Spartans had whites - slaves "iloti" who worked in the fields for them. The Ilots were mostly residents from neighboring city-states - who united against Sparta, under the name of - the Arcadian League.
So were whites - Pelasgians such as Qudze (Corinth), Argos, Metsanion and Megalopoliton, founded the Arcadian League - an alliance to defend against Sparta, there were others there. WHILE Aitolon- (Aetolia) is a military alliance established against Makedonia, which appeared after the death of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, led by Phocia. Akarania, Molossia and Dzetsalia (Thessaly) was a military union or confederation led by an archon a kind of president, they were not city-states. Liver roots of the Danai's are not of whitis- Pelasgian origin.
FROM HERE WE CONCLUDE THAT ONLY ADZENA WITH THE SMALL ADZENICA (future Attica) PENINSULA WERE DANAI'S, the inhabitants of the Dze Peninsula (Peloponnese) were also white, but the Romans then settled foreigners so the Peninsula was renamed ''Pelo pon ne se (Dze)'' - their skin is not light.
PELASGIANS ARE NOTHING ELSE, BUT WHITES - WHITE,.. the white people .. BELAS (not Pella) - BELLA - PELAZGI - PELAZGI - BELASTI (bel l as - you are white).
Fresco from a tomb near Naples
'' And now the young princeAlexandoy, in his heart determined to show how valuable he is, thirsty for victory faithfully followed by his comrades>>>> [ hetairoi ] <<<<<- >>>> CHETA IROI - BATTALIONHEROES <<<<<< - , first succeeded to break through the solid defensive line, killing many of them, penetrating deep into the enemy lines in front of him.The same feat encouraged his friends and they made their way in front of the enemy. ''
every Makedonian or anyone who knows Makedonian can understand that word. In antiquity, the Makedonians in the alphabet ''KOINON MAKEDONON'', did not divide the words in the letters.
[1] The ancient Makedonian language ancient historians and chroniclers report in their written works that the ancient Makedonians spoke a special language, different from the Adzaians (Danai's) whose roots are in Nubia - Africa. The Akarans, the Makedonians and the Aetolians (Aetolon - Aetolia is a military union, which appeared after the death of Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy led by Phocia) spoke the same language and WERE Pelasgians - WHITES - WHITES. The Roman "Venetian" historian Tito Livius writes that they all spoke the same language, different from the Adzaians (Danai's).
" The Adzaians (Danai's) and their allies... on every occasion cast curses upon Philip, upon his family and upon his dominions, upon his forces by land and sea, and upon the whole race and name of the Makedonians. " - The Roman "Venetian" historian Tito Livius - Livio
''Tito Livio, book XXX, p. 29''
[2] '' Aetolos, Acarnanas, Macedonas eiusdem linguae hominess ''. (Tito Livio, book XXX, p. 29). -Aetolians, Akarans and Makedonians speak the same language. We must mention again, Aitoloi - (Aetolia) is a military alliance established against Makedonia, which appeared after the death of the Makedonian ruler Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy, led by Phocis.
Tito Livio - Roman History
[2 a] Polybias (Polybius) was born around 200 BC in Megalopoliton, Arcadia - Peninsula of Dze.
It covered the period of 264 – 146 BC, recording in detail events in Apennine Peninsula, Iberia, Peninsula of Dze, Makedonia, Asaria (Syria), Egypt and Africa, and documented the Punic Wars and Makedonian Wars among many others.
Polybias (Polybius) - historian, lived in 2 century BC (19. Claudius. Cap 15. Aurelianus. Cap. 13; Appianrnus Illyr, Cap. 6; Mannert), ''The Illyrian language is Makedonian dialect and a Thrachan language also''.
The Achaean League,
base of the Achaean Union was the "Arcadian Union", an alliance for defense from Sparta
The former members of the Achaean Union, Sparta territories was also added, for the Romans they were "Greeks", Livy does not make much difference between "Danai's" and "Greeks".
[3] Adzaian (Danai's) biographer Plutarch, writes that Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy called his bodygards in the Makedonian language - comedies of counterfeiters, how will call them in Chinese - (Plutarch, Alex. p. 51). The Makedonian soldiers Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroythey greeted him in the Makedonian language (Evmen, p. 14). The Makedonian riler Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy did not understand the "the Danai's language", he always called Eumen (Eumenes) from Kydon (Crete) to translate for him when he had to understand the Adzaians (Danai's).
[4] A dialogue between the Makedonian warlord Philotas and Vasileos Makedonon Aexandroy has been recorded:
The ruler first looked at Philotas and said:
- The Makedonians decided to judge you. I ask you, do you want to speak with them in your mother tongue (Macedonian)? (this here is made up, Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy did not practice the Danai's language or learn it in Afghanistan, but for whom?).
Philota answered:
- Apart from the Makedonians, there are many other witnesses here, who, it seems to me, will understand my words more easily, if I use the same language, in which you just spoke, which you did, I think, just so that they can, the speech, more people to understand you.
Then the Ruler said:
- You see, Philota hates his father's language, because he refuses to express himself in it. But he may speak as he pleases, you know that he has departed both from our customs and from our language.
(Curtius Rufus, [History of Alexander] VI, c.36).
[5] The Makedonian and Adzaian (Danaic - according to the Rosetta Stone) race, the Danai's historians present them as two different races (Arian - Danaic Historian, Book 2, The Battle of Isis, p. 119. Diodorus Siculus 18.37.3-4.). We find the same division of the Makedonian and Danai's race among the Roman historians.
(Livy's book XXXI.44).
Mixing Makedonians with Danai's is like mixing white with black, giants with dwarves.
[6] The origin of the ancient Makedonians, the ancient historians, who lived at the time when the ancient Makedonians existed, claim that the ancient Makedonian people originated from the Whites (Pelasgians), the oldest indigenous people in Makedonia and the southern Makedonian Peninsula (Balkans). Trogus Pompey, one of the greatest experts in ancient Makedonian history, and he himself lived at the time when the ancient Makedonians were enslaved by the Romans, says: "The Makedonians are a Pelasgian product", Bellasti - the whites(Justin. VII, 1, 3).
[7] The greatest ancient - Pontic geographer Strabos - Στράβων (63/64 г.п.н.е. -- 24
н.е), it says that (if the inscription is correct it should read like this) Dzetsalia (Thessaly) a country between ancient Macedonia and Achaia, probably not "Ellada", was inhabited by white people (Pelasgians)..... and that in the first century of ours era (Strabo, p. 221, line 4). So, the ancient Makedonians bordered to the south not with the Danai's (according to the Rosetta Stone), but with the Whites (Pelasgians) - their compatriots.
[8] The Xenian (not Ionian, ''ionia'' is Latin world) historian Arod (Herodotus) in turn writes that (if the inscription is correct it should read like this) before and all of Adzenika (Attica) was inhabited by Pelasgians - BELLASTS - THE WHITES, but with the arrival of Danai's in Dzena (Azena, why the term "Athens'' was not known to him) The Dzenica Peninsula, the White Pelasgians were assimilated in that part of the Dze Peninsula, but there were still alive the White White Pelasgians (Arod I, 57-58), who we see inhabited Dzetsalia (Thessaly ) and Makedonia.
[9] On the Makedonian Peninsula (Balkans), however, the Whites (Pelasgians) remained until the arrival of the Romans and the ruin of Macedonia, and these were the Akarans and the Aytolon (Aetolia is a military alliance, not a state). And in the first century of our era, the ancient Roman historian Tito Livius writes that the Aytolon (Aetolians), the Akarans and the Makedonians preserved the language of the Belastites - the "Pelasgian language" and spoke the same language: Aetolos, Acarnanas, Macedonas eiusdem linguae hominess (Titus Livius, book XXX, p. 29)
[10] Diodorus writes the following: "Cadmus was a Phoenician and the founder of dzeva (Thebes), Cadmus's palace in Dzeva was discovered and dates from around 1400 AD. BC or a bit later.
The Phoenicians took over the alphabet of the people from Ilion (Troy), and the people from Ilion (Venetes) are of Makedonian origin.
So the alphabet is Makedonian.
The political organization of the Makedonian state resembled a pyramid with three levels: at the top was the ruler - VASILEOS - ''KOINON MAKEDONON'' alphabet: ''ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ'' - your light and the people, at the base were the civil services, and in the middle were the provinces, over which the ruler ruled. So in Makedonia, the ruler and the people were in the same place.
Until the fall under Roman slavery, the Makedonians had a monarchy as their state system. Makedonian citizens have the right to complain and to speak before the ruler, during which they remove the helmet from their heads, the right to solve the most important matters through the authorities, local self-government with authorities.
The ruler had no right to punish a Makedonian with the death penalty without a trial.
The ruler had no right to name his successor (he could only show his favor). According to the rule of the first-born ruler's son for inheriting the throne, the heir, it goes without saying, if he fit in the psychophysical sense, was proclaimed by the Makedonian Assembly. In the case of the heir's minor, a supervisor = guardian was determined, usually from the members of the ruling house, and in difficult situations, the power could belong to a member of the closest family (brother or uncle). Such is the case with the coming to power of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, and probably the Makedonian leaders decided that.
VAS - YOUR 100% is still a Makedonian word today,
ILE O - the god of the Sun - light,
S - addition,
To YOU the Sun god ILE - the ruler, O - light, S, I am. VAS ILE O S - VASILEOS - to you the god (ruler) is I, your light.
THE RULER - VASILEOS - ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
THE RULER was the head of the central administration: he ran the state from the capital first Aga (not ''vergina'', ''aegea'' or Ege) and then Bellas (not Pella) and the state treasury was located in his palace. THE RULER was assisted by the Secretary of State, whose office was of great importance, and by the Council.
THE RULER was the supreme leader of the army, the head of the Makedonian religion, managed diplomacy (only he could conclude international agreements) and only he had the right to issue money, the local governors also had the right to issue coins but with a lower value.
The number of civil servants was limited: the ruler governed in an indirect way, mainly through local governors, straps - strapii, with whom he maintained regular contacts.
Succession to the throne in Makedonia took the form of the oldest male heirs. There was also an electoral element: when the Ruler died, the designated heir to the throne, generally but not always his eldest son, had to be first accepted by the Council and then presented to the General Assembly to be proclaimed Ruler and swear allegiance of Makedonia and the Makedonian people.
But in practice, in many cases, the rulers died prematurely in the power struggles, before they managed to appoint successors. This is the case with Berdika THIRD who was killed by the Illyrians, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, who was killed by the assassin Paisanias, Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy and etc. Such succession crises were frequent until the 4th century BC, when the nobles of Upper Makedonia still cultivated ambitions to eliminate the Argeads and take the throne.
That the Makedonians chose the ruler can also be seen from the prayer - the wish of Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy:
'' Let the Makedonians choose the ruler, let the ruler preserve the state of the Makedonians with the ruler, let them do the usual rites for the Argeads".
After the ruler's death, his insignia: the diadem in the shape of leaves, the coronation clothes, the seal and the weapons were placed on the throne from where the newly elected ruler took them.
T he ruler was the protector and administrator of the Makedonian treasury and state revenues that belonged to the Makedonian people: the taxes from the conquered peoples also went to the Makedonian people, not to the ruler. Even if the ruler was not responsible for a given finance, he felt morally responsible to intervene: for example, Arrian says that when Makedonian army revolted at Opis in 324 BC, Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy had to present the accounts of his inheritance to the death of his father, to show that he had not committed any financial abuse. From the historians Livio and Polybias we know that the state was supplied with finances from the following sources:
- The gold and silver mines (such as Pangai (Pan - means lord) - Payak (Spider) mountain), for example, which were owned by the Ruler and from whose ore the coins (money) were made.
- The rights to madesmaller bronze coins, etc. they were handed over to the regional authorities.
The forests, whose wood was highly valued by the Asians (Dania's) for shipbuilding: Adzena concluded trade agreements with Makedonia in the 5th century BC. for the import of wood for shipbuilding.
Government holdings which were land acquired through conquest and used directly or through the labor of prisoners of war, as well as indirectly through the taxation system.
- The tax for the state (customs) at the ports which was related to trade (import and export duties).
The most common source of income was leasing: Amyntaoy the Third (or perhaps Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy) doubled the income of the ports with the help of Callistratus, who fled to Makedonia and brought 20 to 40 talents in a year. To achieve this, the first collection of port dues was awarded to the highest bidder at the auction. Livy says that mines and forests were also leased.
With the exception of the possessions of the Ruler, the land in Makedonia was free: all Makedonians were free citizens and no one paid taxes to anyone for using someone else's land. Even taxes in crisis situations, which were normal everywhere, did not exist in Makedonia. For example, the economic crises of Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy in 334 BC. and Perseos in 168 BC. did not result in the introduction of a tax, but crises were resolved through loans or rent increases.
The ruler also occasionally exempted some people from any taxes, such as in the case of the families of the fallen fighters at the Battle of Granika (not Granicus) in May 334 BC who were exempt from paying rent for the use of the ruler's property, as well as other economic duties.
The other function of the Makedonian Assembly was the judicial authority for crimes punishable by death penalty, where the relatives of the condemned had the same fate. The ruler played the role of public prosecutor and led the trial, but the accused defended himself. The punishment usually consisted of stoning.
The Makedonian assembly did not limit the power of the ruler.
The Makedonian Assembly in conducting foreign policy
One of the few data is the case of Euripides: the Makedonian assembly unanimously rejected the request of the Adzaians (Danai's) to give them the body of Euripides who lived in Macedonia (408 - 406), died and was buried in Aredzeusa (Arethousa), and the other is the rejection of the plans after the death of Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy 323 - th. - 20. It seems that at least the decisions of importance to the state were promulgated before the assembly to be formally approved. The ruler or his representative convened the assembly. There are opinions that in peacetime the Makedonian assembly was the people, and in war the soldiers. However, it is known that during the proclamation of the ruler of the Makedonians, they hit the shields with spears, and the death penalty, except for stoning, was carried out with spears, which shows that members were only those who had the right to bear arms, i.e. those who had civil rights, so in the sources they are called citizen soldiers.
Apart from the Makedonian Assembly, other bodies are also mentioned, such as the "Council of Tagos", known from the sources (Hesechios, Tagonaga: Makebouisg is also attested on an inscription from Leucadia (Golishans), Tagos are known only in Dzetalia (Thessaly) and that as federal magistrates. This indicates that we are talking about Makedonian influence in Dzetalia (Thessaly), which was under the Makedonian protectorate since the time of Vasileos Archelaoy (413 - 399 AD), and from 352 AD under the rule of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, from which it follows that this council in Makedonia was state and not local. The ruler's advisers are first mentioned in the legend of the origin of the Argeadi dynasty, with historian Arod (Herodotus) using the neutral term "paredros" - companion. Some think that it is a matter of a council of elders, which is supported by the inscription with the text of the contract between Adzena and vasileos Berdika SECOND, where, in addition to the name of the ruler and the members of the immediate family, some magistrates are also mentioned, according to Edson's filling - geronts, not vassileos - archon, tyrant in the case of Adzena.
The council of ''the Peligans'' witnessed at Naddis in the Makedonian colony of Laodicea in Syria (175 AD), 31 and in Seleykia on the Tigris River mentioned by Polybius and both founded after Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy campaign in the East, shows that this it looks like a city council, in Macedonia there was one in the time of the Argeads.
The proclamation of the ruler by the Assembly meant that the Makedonians arbitrarily accepted the ruler's power, but that they kept their rights: addressing the ruler, the right to appeal, the right to decide on certain matters.
This means that the Makedonians gave the power to the ruler, but they could take it away from him and they listened to him only if he could convince them of what he wanted to do. However, no swearing of allegiance and respect for the laws between the ruler and the people as in Achillea (Molossia-Epirus) was recorded (Plutus, Pzrrh, 5). Makedonians are never called servants. Contrary to the inscriptions about the international agreements, the Makedonians figure together with the ruler of the Makedonians, they were given the two votes in the "Delphi Amphictyoniad" taken away from the Phocians. Several tribes Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy forced to obey and pay tax to the Makedonians, the Makedonian ruler Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy assigned a governor to the inhabitants of Aspend as well as a tax that they had to pay to the Makedonians. We are talking about two parts of the Macedonian state, and it was enough to mention only one to indicate both, so we cannot talk about personal (absolute) rule. The official title of the ruler consisted of his name, patronymic and ethnic icon, or shortened - the name with patronymic or the name with ethnic icon, while only the name of the ruler was enough on coins..
The Makedonians could express their opinion individually, in groups or en masse. So for example when Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy told an old woman that he did not have time to listen to her, she replied:
,, Then do not rule ''
When the soldiers asked him to pay them, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy got out with a joke and jumped to swim in the pool.
The biggest remark of the Makedonians towards vasileos Demetrioy the Besieger was that he did not respect their right to address the ruler and did not read their complaints (he threw the received requests from the bridge of Xeon (not Axeon the future river Vardar), Plutus, Demet, 42), which is explained by the fact that with his father Antigonoy the One-Eyed lived and grew up in Adzia (Asia) from a young age, where he was used to obedient servants. When a group of soldiers came to tell him that:
„Makedonians are tired of fighting for his lavish lifestyle"
, he was afraid to sleep in the camp (Pint., Demet, 44).
The Makedonians retained the right to "isegoha - and always" even in the time of Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy (Opis), although it is a question of another type of monarchy for others, but not for the Makedonians, namely now Makedonia was multi-ethnic, the Persians were used to centuries they bow down and obey the ruler's will without objection, so Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy did not have to convince them, but the Makedonians did not change anything in relation to the ruler even at the river Hyphas, Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy encouraged them to express their opinion freely. Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy did not convince the Makedonians to continue the conquest campaign, Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy was forced to stop the campaign for a while.
The examples from the time of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy and Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy that some take to prove that the power of the ruler was unlimited and that the role of the Makedonian Assembly was formal (it only confirmed the decisions of the ruler) are not typical (thus the cases of capital punishment without a trial: Attal, Cleopatra with the baby, immediately after the death of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy are a reflection of the struggle for power), or they take place outside of Macedonia (the trial of Philotas).
As in the majority of monarchies, the power of the ruler in the earliest phase is religio-magical: in the legend of the historian Arod (Herodotus) (8, 137) Berdika draws a magic circle around the sunlight, indicating that it was a ruler/priest with semi-divine power who was a mediator between The Makedonians and the gods. That is why the ruler had to lead the army, because only he could ensure its success.
The power of the ruler was believed even when he was dead, so the body of Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy was exposed before the Makedonian Assembly while deciding on a successor, to be a witness to the decision, that is, to have legitimacy.
The ruler-priest had a daily obligation, before every undertaking, at the beginning of feasts for religious holidays such as the god Dze, whose holiday was called: ''Hetirideia Ath'' (four days k'tk - here one recognizes the transcription from Latin - four days of eating - celebrating in Makedonian), to offer sacrifices on behalf of the people - prostasia.
The Makedonian historian Marcia of Belas (not Pella), a contemporary of Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy and priest of Arakles (Heracles), wrote that the ruler, when he came to a city, was greeted with a guala (a type of cup) full of wine to make a libatio (sacrifice). When the ruler was absent, he determined a deputy, especially for religious duties. Several examples are known: a certain Jolay replaced vasileos Berdikas while he was at Potidea, 432, the 16-year-old prince Alexandoy was the deputy of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy who besieged Py (not Vizantion), on behalf of the absent one.
The ruler had to prove his religious-magical power, and thus his political legitimacy, through the custom of ruling hunting of wild animals, primarily lions, which in the 5th c. before Christ there were in Makedonia (Her., 8, 125126). Otherwise, the lion plays a significant role in one of the miracles of Araklas (Heracles) (according to one tradition, Araklas killed the lion in the Tempe valley through which the river Peneus flows), therefore he was taken as the progenitor of the Makedonian ruling house. The ruler of animals - the lion, symbolized the highest authority and power and best reflected the ruler's ideology, which is why it is depicted on the coins of the Makedonian rulers, who adorned themselves with the skin of a lion and valued it more than any precious stone.
The diadem was introduced for the first time (but before that there was also a wreath of golden acorn leaves, frequently) by Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy when he was crowned in Arbelas and was proclaimed ruler of Dzeia (Europe) and Adzia (Asia) and lord of lords - VASILEON of VASILEONDON Makedonia, so he also introduced the diadem which was a Persian custom.
The first time a flag was seen: a red cloth attached to the tip of a spear ''sor and wasp'' as a sign of battle, is mentioned in the time of Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy.
Apart from the religious and military function, the ruler also had the judicial type of public prosecutor for offenses when the penalty was death, which was judged by the Makedonian Assembly. And he had to perform this duty according to the laws. So for example Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy paid the sentence of the convicted because he fell asleep during the trial. Obviously, this is a case of appeal, and not an ordinary trial, because in such a large country as Makedonia, the ruler could not judge everything, so there had to be judges. During the time of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, judges are mentioned, but it is not clear whether they are central government judges or local ones.
Makedonia is a collection, the unification of several tribes (that it symbolizes the Makedonian Sun), in one country, where the tribes themselves were divided into other sub-tribes, but all those tribes were united by faith and the cult of the Mother Goddess - "MA ke don i a'' and the sun god Ile/Dze. Originally there were 8, then 16 tribes.
Midas was a Makedonian ruler before vasuleos Karanon and was of Brygian origin, but Ksey (Xey) is also mentioned. Midas is a symbol for a rich man. It has been noted that the Makedonian ruler Midas had beautiful gardens in Makedonia, on Mount Bermion, in which the roses grew by themselves and each had sixty flower petals, and with the fragrance they surpassed all other the roses.
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ KAPANN - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
Кaranon, he was the seventeenth in order of the heroic family of the Arakleids, and the seventh from Temen, he ruled for 28 years. with Makedonia for 18 years. 794 year BC pg. 31 For Satyr, Karan is the ninth of the Arakleids (not Heracleids), and for Constantim 8 Porphyrogenitus:
''The Makedonian monarchy began to strengthen,... from the third son of Araklas (Hercules), called Karanon".
Karanon (808 - 778 BC, and according to some sources 825 - 778) was the first ruler of the 3rd generation of rulers of Makedonia, the founder of the Makedonian Monarchy of the 3rd generation of rulers of Makedonia is considered to have been and Berdikoy the FIRST, but it was probably a propaganda story of Berdikoy, propagated by the historian Arodotos (Herodotus). The name of Karanon is ensured by the fact that Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy named one of his sons with that name.
A little about Payonia, according to the evidence, and the Payonian coins are the proof, it can be noted with certainty that that country was one of the largest countries in Dzeia - Asia (Euro - Asia) in antiquity, and it is hidden, Scythia has the same fate, but for Scythia on another occasion.
As proof that there was a Great Paionia, there are Payonian coins, although from different territories and times.Every nation in antiquity had its own "sacred" animal, with which they identified, some even called themselves after their sacred animals.The sacred animal of the Payonians was the yak (the bull), so by following the yak on the coins, we find out how far Payonia was.
KSENON - "Illyrian" mint, there was ancient Brygia (today's Albania), the Illyrians in that part either drove out the Brygians and settled, because the Brygians left the country for some reason, but the cult of the yak remained, probably some Brygians also remained, there are probably some Brygians left and it is a colony that returned from Xenia.
^The oldest Payonic mint with the alphabet''KOINON MAKEDONON''^
YEKON or REKON,the text is very difficult to read, a coin found in the ancient city today archaeological site Astipon (Shtip) - Makedonia, dated 460 BC.
Coin from Bellas - Makedonia
Priestess from Bellas, Makedonia
Most likely because Payonia was very large they had local rulers, this is proof that it was the first confederation in Dzeia (Europe).
Payonian coinage, from the local ruler along the river Strumuion, ''GITA''.
It is evident that many do not know that the name of the city with the two banks, that the original name is not "Istanbul" or "Vuzantion", but Py.As we can see, the bull was a protective symbol of the city.There were bulls everywhere on the Payon coins, examples:
Coinage from In 340 - 320 BC.from Py
The ancient name of the city was Py, not "Vuzantion", the name given to it by the Romans. Vuzantion, Roman mint 60 BC..
A small part of coins from the city of Py
We finish again with KSEN (XEN) - a coin from Xenia (not Ionia) - Dzenica (Asia Minor), confirms that there were no Danaans in Ionia, the coins are proof. There is a coin and a bust of a one Danai from Anatolia, Turkish archaeologists found a coin and a bust of a man with an African appearance, but only God knows how they got there.
Karanon came from the Temenid family of Argos. There are several recounts about him.
Ja founded his ruling lineage in Aga (Aegea), (today's Vergina used by the Greeks 1925, who occupied the Aegean part of Makedonia after 1912, from 1912 to 1916 it was a French-English colony administered by the Greek king, why France and England financed it the war of the Greek king, then "gifted" to Greece at the height of the First World War, so that Greece would be in alliance with them, not with Germany). It is said that there was no place for him to rule in the Peninsula of Dze (Peloponnese) Argos, where his brother Pheidon held power at that time, and Karanon, at the request of the ruler of Orestida, today Kostur region (Florina), went to help him in the fights against his neighbor, the ruler of Eordaia , Ostrovsko, Ksay (Xey). He defeated Ksay and established his ruling line in the conquered territory.
According to Higgin, it was Ksey (Xay) who invited Karanon to help him against his neighbors, promising him his daughter and his country. But warned in time by a Ksey slave about the trap he was preparing for him, Karanon kills this ruler. After defeating Ksey, Karanon raised a trophy, but a lion descended from Olimp - the holy mountain and knocked down the pillar. Since then Makedonian rulers do not raise trophies after victories or rarely.
According to Justin's recounts, when Karanon gathered an army and came to Makedonia, leading behind a herd of goats, with the help of the rain and the fog, he managed to enter a city unnoticed. It seems that after capturing the city, he remembered the prophecy and set up his throne here, in the city of Aga (Aegea). Since then, in all military campaigns, in front of the Makedonian army, goats performed, and Karanon, after expelling the enemy rulers, united part of the Makedonian tribes, tribes that believed and the basic cult and deity was the Goddess Mother - MA ke, D (the name of the god) ON (he, that is unique) is the creator (the second creator of the world after the Makedonian ancient calendar), from here - MAKE DON I A and Dze (not Zeus) - the god of the sun, they not only worshiped the same deities, the most important thing is that they spoke the same language, for millennia , to be clear.
AGA (Aegea - the name of the sacred goat and the city) DZE IT'S HERE
AGA - the ancient Makedonian capital AGA (not Aegea - or not ''vergina'')
DZE - the ancient God of the Sun - light
АGA in the ancient world it refers to the sacred goat Аga who was worshiped as a deity at least 2000 years BC, hence the name of the ancient Makedonian capital Aga (not an Aegea name that is misread or "vergina" a name given by the Greeks after 1925 to the ancient archaeological site, the Greeks, who have absolutely no relation to the ancient peoples of the region, of course they are reading it wrong ''AГAΘE - AGATHE'', they translate it as "good luck", which is absurd, which part of the word, more precisely the words, denote ''good luck'', ''AGA'' or ''THE'').
Makedonian coins with the letter '''' - DZ - Dze and holy goat Аga, from the Makedonian ruler, Vasileos Amyntaoy (not Amynta, why was it read wrongly) The FIRST.
A circle with a spot indicates the letter ''KOINON MAKEDONON'' - '''' - DZ it is in honor of God Dze (not Zeus, why was it read wrongly), letter that was replaced by the Romans with the letter '''' - TX, circle with line after 40 BC.., from here the Greeks reading ''THE'' not ''DZE'',
It is assumed that gave the name of the city the Makedonian ruler, Vasileos Karanon, according to one of his dreams or legend, that a goat would show him the city from where he would rule, but there are indicators, which should be further investigated because solid evidence is needed, that the name of the city is more ancient.
Amyntoy The FIRST, was not an official ruler but was demoted to Bersian (Persian) strapia - vassal, so and his son Alexandroy, therefore he could not sign his coins with his name, until Alexandroy (Alexander) The FIRST liberated Macedonia, proclaimed himself ruler and so began to sign his coins with his name.
The Sun with 8 Zetas (Rays), Makedonian tribes (rays) around the ruler (E - DZE - The spot symbolizes it Dze).
According to the second tradition, Dze - the god of the sun predicted to Karan that a goat would show him the city from where he would rule, it was the ancient Macedonian city of Aga (Aegea), from which city is named THE NAME OF THE AEGEAN SEA.
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ KOINN - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
Кoinon THE SECOND ruler of Makedonia from the 3rd generation, ruled from 778 to 750 BC..
The Makedonian historian Marsyas of Bellas (not Pella) tells the following etiological story regarding his name:
„... And a certain Konopis from Colchis came to Makedonia and lived in Karan's court, when the heir male child was born, Karan wanted to name him after his father, Kiranon or Karanon, but the mother objected and wanted to name the child after her father. When Konopis was asked, the answer was: neither one nor the other. Therefore he was called Koinon (common)".
It is significant for the time of Vasileos Koinon reign that it began to be used in Makedonia the alphabet KOINON MAKEDONON:
The correct name of the alphabet is: ''КOINN MAKEΔNΩN'' - KOINON MAKEDONON.
We are interested in the "KOINON MAKEDONON" alphabet from the time of Vasileos Koinon (Koin), from the year 800 BC. to the Vasileos Philippoy The SIXTH, no further, it is normal that it differs from other types of "koine" alphabets, because that is the original one:
Another important thing about the Makedonian alphabet -
KOINON MAKEDONON, is that some letters are the numbers
The alphabet has survived more or less since 800 BC, the time when the ruler Vasileos Koinon (Koin) was on the Makedonian throne and thus in honor of his name, the alphabet is named after him - KOINON MAKEDONON.
As evidence, the name of the alphabet of the Makedonian coinage is literally minted, unfortunately as evidence of the name (currently) all the Makedonian coinages are from a free (Kastoria) territory before it was re-occupied by the Romans.
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ TAPIMAN - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
Тarimaon (Tar and Ma) is the THIRD ruler of Makedonia from the 3rd generation, ruled from 750 to 700 BC..
In ''The History of the World'', Sir Walter Raleigh states that Karan, leading a colony in Makedon (ia), spotted a herd of goats fleeing a storm and followed them to the Gates of Voden.
Since it was dark, he entered the city unnoticed and conquered the city without resistance. Soon after he deposed Ksey (Xey), (So Xey was the ruler before Karan,.. there were others before him) he became the ruler of Makedon (ia).
After ruling for 28 years, he was succeeded by Koinon, who ruled for twelve years.
Koinon was succeeded by his eldest son Tarimaon, who ruled for 28 years.
Tarimaon was succeeded by Berdika "A" - the FIRST.
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ЕPΔIKKAY ''А'' РВI- ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
According to the reading of the alphabet KOINON MAKEDONON - PE = BE, therefore, BERDIKKA.
Berdikka the FIRST was the FOURTH ruler of Makedonia from the 3rd generation who ruled from 700 BC to 678 BC..
He is known as the first ruler who united most of the Makedonian tribes. In the legend of the Henian historian Arod (Herodotus) (8, 137), this biography of Vasileos Berdikka may be is propaganda. The name of Karanon is not in dispute, a son of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy was named Karanon.
Berdikka who in this way established power and stood on the throne in Makedonia. From Argos escaped to Illyria three brothers, who were descendants of Temen; they were Gavan, Aerop and Berdikka.
From the Illyria, crossing the mountains, arrived in Upper Makedonia, in the city of Lebaya. There were servants for the ruler's salary, and one grazed the horses, the other the cattle, and the youngest of them, Berdikka, the goats and sheep.
In those old times, the people who were in power were also poor, not only the masses, so the ruler's wife cooked the food for the servants herself. And every time she baked bread, the bread of the servant Berdikka grew double by itself. Since this happened repeatedly, the ruler waife told her husband.
When the ruler heard this, he immediately thought that it was a miracle of God and that it foreshadowed something great. So he called his servants and told them to leave his land. They, in turn, told him that it was right that they should get their earnings first, and then they would leave. And the ruler, when he heard that they were talking about salary, in vain by some god, pointing to that place on the floor where the sun's rays came down and entered through that opening in the roof through which the smoke escapes from the house, said:
„ Behold, I give you the wages you deserves." Gavan and Aerop, the older brothers, hearing this, were stunned, and the youngest said thus:
- „ We receive, O ruler, what you give us ".
At the same time, with the knife, which he happened to have with him, he circled that place on the floor of the house where the rays fell. Having thus enclosed the rays, he take three times from them and put them in his bosom, and then he and his brothers departed.
When they left, one of the advisers explained to the ruler what the boy had done and with what thought the youngest of the brothers took what was offered. When the ruler heard this, he was furious and sent horsemen to kill the boys.
There is a river in that country to which the descendants of those mens of Argos offer sacrifices as their savior. Then the river, after the Temenides had crossed it, rose so high that the horsemen could not cross it. The boys, however, came to another part of Makedonia and settled near the so-called Gardens of Midas, the son of Gordius. In them, tulips grow by themselves, each of which has sixty flower rose, and the smell surpasses all other flowers. In those gardens, as the Makedonians show, Silen (Strong) was captured. Above the gardens rises a mountain, which is called Bermiy, and is impassable due to snow and cold.
After occupying that place, the brothers, starting from there, undertook attacks and conquered other parts of Makedonia.
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ APГY ''А'' РВI- ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
Аrgoy - Аr (Аr) G (гthe big) Оy (greeting) the FIRST was the ruler of Makedonia from the 3rd generation from about 678 BC. until about 640 BC. He succeeded his father Berdikkaoy the FIRST. After him, the heir to the Makedonian throne was his son Philippoy the First. It is mentioned by the Xenian (not Ionian) historian Arodotos (not Herodotus) and by the Junian Justin.
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣФIΛIY ''А'' РВI- ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
Philippoy the FIRST, son of Argoy the FIRST was the ruler of Makedonia from the 3rd generation from 640 BC. to 602 BC. He was succeeded by Aeropoy the First.
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ AEPOY ''А'' РВI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
Аeropoy the FIRST 602-576 BC he was the ruler of Makedonia in the 3rd generation, the son of Philipoy the FIRST, the great-grandson of Berdikka the FIRST, the fourth ruler and the father of Alketoy the FIRST (Xenian historian Arodotos (Herodotus), 8. 139).
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ AΛKETY ''А'' РВI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
Аlketoy the First 576 — 547 AD BC was the ruler of Makedonia, who lived in the 6th century BC. and was the fifth in the Argead ruler lieage.
The Xenian (not Ionian) historian Arodotos (not Herodotus) mentions Vasileos Alketoy as the son of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Aeropoy the FIRST. Essevius' chronicle says that Alketoy the FIRST ruled for 29 years, during the time that Karosh (not Cyrus) the Great was ruler of Persia. Later, this name was also borne by the rulers of Molosia (Molossia).
His name signifies - Alket - A L k e T - I (the god) Il it is (the god) T, or Alke - "bracelets", but without the "T"..
A Makedonian vassal who worked as a mercenary for the Bersians (Persians), from the time of Karosh - Ka Ar os the Great of Bersia
Karosh from Bersia (not Cyrus) Bersian ruler
AMYNTAY ''А'' РВI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
Amyntaoy the First was the ruler of Makedonia 540 - 498 BC who was a tax vassal of the Persian ruler Dareios The First (Dario the First or the Great). In fact, it means that it was probably degraded as a simple "Bersian" (Persian) strapia.
He laid the foundation stone of the city of Bellas (not Pella) with the intention of being the capital of Makedonia, replacing the old capital Aga (Aegea).
It can be said that the history of Makedonia from the 3rd generation of rulers begins with him. He was the first Makedonian ruler who maintained ties with other states. During the time of Amyntaoy the First, the Danai's began to colonize the Makedonian coast. Vasileos Amyntaoy allied himself with the Pesistrates of Adzena (Danai's) and when Hippias was driven out of Adzena, Vasileos Amyntaoy offered hime part of the territory of the Thermaic Gulf to Antema.
Eyteya, the state of the Aetians (Hittites) was destroyed by Bersia. Until 1902, nothing was known about them, but in the biography of Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy there is information that he understood with them without an interpreter and centuries after the destruction of their state. Most probably the Aetians were Scythians.
Eyteyan architecture
In 512 BC the Bersian army crossed Ilespont (Bosphorus), occupied Thrace, crossed the river Istar (Danube) and declared war on the Scythians. After the unsuccessful campaign against the Scythians, the Persians turned to the west and south of the Makedonian Peninsula. Regarding the further course of events, historian Arod (Herodotus) (5, 17 et seq.) describes that when the Persian war lord Magabaz:
„ He subdued the Payons, sent to Makedonia a deputation of seven most distinguished Persians, who after him enjoyed the greatest reputation in the military camps. They were sent to Vasileos Amyntaoy, on behalf of the ruler Darioy, to ask for land and water…”
Vasileos Amyntaoy gave them what they asked for and invited them to be his guests, so he prepared a rich luncheon for them and entertained the Persians as best he could.
When they sat drinking wine after lunch, the Persians said:
„ Makedonian friend, we Persians have a custom at a festive lunch to bring our wives and lovers to sit with us ”.
To that Vasileos Amyntaoy replied:
„ Persians, we don't have such a custom, with us men are separated from women, and since you are masters and you are looking for them, your wish will be fulfilled ”.
The women came and sat next to the Persians, and then they immediately started groping their chests, because they were already drunk, and some even tried to kiss them. While Vasileos Amyntaoy was calm but angry, his son Alexandroy could no longer hold back, so he said to Vasileos Amyntaoy in a bad mood:
„ You father, in view of your old age, you can retire and stop drinking, and I will stay and serve the guests ”.
Since the ruler Vasileos Amyntaoy had gone, Alexandroy said to the Persians:
„ Dear guests, these women are completely at your disposal and you can, if you like, dishonor them all or individually, but let them wash, and they will come back to you after washing ”.
As the Persians agreed, he sent the women outside to the women's quarters, and Alexandroy dressed an equal number of beardless boys in women's clothing, and gave each a knife and led them inside. When he entered with them, he said to the Persians:
„ Persians, I think you are well entertained, so we also offer you our mothers and sisters to make sure we show you the respect you deserve. ”.
As soon as the Persians tried to caress the disguised boys, they killed all but one. After the great investigation of the Persians, Alexandroy skillfully calmed them down, and he gave the head of the Persian investigative commission, Bubar, a lot of money and his sister Gygeia as a wife, which put the matter to rest.
A Bersian coinage from the time of Dareios the Great 505 BC.
The Vasileos Amyntaoy the FIRST introduced the coin - STATER of silver (srebrenik), the system copied it from Bersia (Persia) to facilitate economic development in Makedonia.
S TAT AR more credibly.
STATAR - homeland - state
S'TATO - ''STATO'' - state, but in Italian.
''Patria'' - homeland, all is related to the word ''father'', in relation to the state.
Vasileos Amintoy the FIRST introduced the and the coin - DRAHМА - DR AH МА.
The word DRAHМА is Makedonian, more precisely it is a sum of 3 words:
D'R - gift
АH - for
MA - the goddess Mother - Ма
So: DRAHМА - A gift for the goddess Mother - Ma ke don i a. The goddess Mother - Ма, he seeks only his own, not another.
***The Greeks under the leadership of Otto of Bavaria after 1832 have stolen the name of the Makedonian ancient financial currency.
According to the second tradition, Dze - the God of the Sun, predicted to vasileos Karanon, Aminta's great-grandfather, that a goat would show him the city from where he would rule, it was the ancient Makedonian throne Aga (Aegea), from which city THE NAME OF THE AEGEAN SEA COMES.
The magic square gets its name because all the rows, columns, and diagonals add up to the same sum, which is called the magic constant. The "Magic Window" is on the first coinage of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Amintaoy the First, so it is far more ancient and is found on many other Makedonian artifacts. The Makedonians were astronomers (Kokino), mathematicians (the magic square, doctors (Hippocritas), biologists, etc., etc. in antiquity. The ancient mystical school of Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy of city of Alexandria had that emblem as a symbol, called "the magic square".
Following the coins and the letter ''DZ'' - Dze, we came to a very significant discovery, and that is the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Amyntoy The FIRST, the father of the Vasileos Alexandroy (Alexander) The FIRST had already used the letter ''KOINON MAKEDONON'' before his son and heir, on his coins, means the theory that the alphabet dates back to the time of the Makedonian Vasileos Koinon (Koin), is getting closer. Vasileos Amyntoy FIRST he signed his coins with the name of the god of light: - ''DZ'' - DZE.
So "forged", proven.
Amyntoy The FIRST, was not an official ruler but was demoted to Bersian (Persian) strapia - vassal, so and his son Alexandroy, therefore he could not sign his coins with his name, until Alexandroy (Alexander) The FIRST liberated Macedonia, proclaimed himself ruler and so began to sign his coins with his name.
ΑΛΕΑΝΔΡY ''А'' РВI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
Vasileos Alexandroy the First was the ruler of Makedonia from 498 BC to 454 BC. He was the son of Vasileos Amyntaoy THE FIRST, AND IS THE ORGANIZER OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES ON THE OCCASION OF THE REMOVAL OF THE PERSIAN OCCUPATION OF MAKEDONIA.
Alexandroy was the son of vasileos Amyntaoy, and Amyntaoy the son of Vasileos Alketoy, Alketoys' father was Vasileos Aeropoy, who was the son of Vasileos Philippoy, and Philippoy's father was Vasileos Argoy, and Argoi's father was Vasileos Berdikkaoy. Such is the genealogy of Vasileos Alexandroy, son of Vasileos Amyntaoy.
Makedonian with the Makedonian cap - Kautsia (ka u Dze - as in Dze) - the so-called "sun on the head", in the army of Kashayrsha 485 BC
When Alexander (probably lost title ''vasileos'' as Bersian vassal), sent by Maradon (Maradonius ''us'' is Latin), arrived in Adzena, he addressed the Adzaians (Danai's) like this:
"Men Adzaians, Maradon says this to you:
A letter came to me from the Great Ruler, which says this:
,, I forgive the Adzians all the mistakes they made in terms of purpose.
Now, Maradon, you did this: first, give them back their land, and secondly, let them take another, which they want, and let them govern according to their own laws. And all the temples that I burned for them, if they want to make peace with me, restore them,, .
Vasileos Alexandroy was on hostile terms with Bersia (Persia) and had killed the diplomats of Darioy the First who had come to his father's Makedonian court during the Ionian Revolt for misbehaving with their hosts. But later he had to submit to Bersia during the campaign by the (Bersian) son of Darioy, Kashayrsha the First, against Adzena (Danai's) and was the representative of the Bersian war lord and strap Mardon (not Maradaonius - Latin - not Maradoni ''us'', but: Ma ' ra don - very Makedonian, is obviously a traitor). During the peace negotiations following the defeat of Bersia at the Battle of Salamis in 480 BC. Despite his cooperation with Bersia, Alexander often provided military aid and advice to the Adzains, and warned them of Maradon's plans at the Battle of Plataea in 479 BC.
After the Bersian Wars, Vasileos Alexandroy the FIRST ruler of Makedonia, finally managed to restore the independence of Makedonia. ON THAT OCCASION HE ORGANIZED THE OLYMPIC SPORTS GAMES.
The Xenian Revolt
The Adzaians (Danai's) helped the Xenian (not Ionians) from Dzenika (Asia Minor) in the unsuccessful uprising against the Bersians, the uprising lasted 10 years, before it was suppressed by Persia. There is an interesting fact where the Bersian ruler obliges his slave to remind him every day that he should punish the Adzians from Adzena. The Bersian army tried to occupy the Adzians by landing from the sea, but they failed, because the Adzians also had a strong naval fleet.
Multinational army of Ка shа Yr shа 480 BC
For revenge, the Bersians and their vassals under the leadership of Kashayrsha (not Xerxes) come to Adzena and burn it, while leaving part of the army of 90,000 soldiers in Voioa (Boeotia), to spend the winter and finish off the Adzians the following summer.
So this excerpt below is from 479 BC. the winter period, when the Great Bersian ruler wanted to reconcile with the Adzaians from Adzena, so he tried to bribe them.
When Alexander, sent by Maradon, arrived in Adzena, he addressed the Adzaians (Danai's) like this:
"Men Adzaians, Maradon says this to you:
A letter came to me from the Great Ruler, which says this:
,, I forgive the Adzians all the mistakes they made in terms of purpose.
Now, Mardon, you did this: first, give them back their land, and secondly, let them take another, which they want, and let them govern according to their own laws. And all the temples that I burned for them, if they want to make peace with me, restore them,, .
Parts of Makedonia up to Voioa (Boeotia) were occupied and now they too are vassals of the Bersians and they are taking part in that war. But most likely the Bersians just used the occasion to punish Adzena to occupy new territories. At the same time, the Bersians destroy the great Payonian state.
The Bersians build a spectacular bridge at the Illespont Strait to transport the army from Dzenika to Dzeia (Europe)
The bridge was a true engineering marvel for its time The bridge was built so that the Bersian army could more easily maneuver towards Dzeia
The Xenians, aided by the Adzaians (Danai's), raised an uprising, which spread almost throughout eastern Dzenika (Asia Minor). This angered the Bersian ruler Darioy the First the Great Ruler, WHO THEN HIS son Kashayrsha (not Xerxes) the First came with an army of 200,000 across the Ilespont (or Illespont), where they built a bridge and across Makedonia and the rest reached the Adzenika Peninsula, through the pass of Dzermople (Thermobili) and burned Adzena (Danai's). The Adzians run away from Adzena and thus save themselves.
Bersian artifact, Bersian kills koplite
Hence the hatred of the Makedonians and the Adzaians (Danai's) towards Bersia... why the Bersians were certainly not good towards the Makedonians, not only towards the city-states.
Kashayrsha from Bersia (not Xerxes) Bersian ruler
Kashayrsha - Ka sha Yr sha from Bersia (not Xerxes) Bersian ruler - National Museum of Iran
It should be clearly known that Makedonia (unitary state), Dzetsalia (Tessalia) - Military Union, Fochis (city-state), Dzeva (Thebes - city-state), Karia (city-state) and others were not "Danai's", first they were vassals of Bersia, they burned Adzena (Adzaeos/Danai's) together with Bersia, then after rejecting the Persian occupation, they became members (Makedonia in 346 BC) of the Amphictoniad (now it is not clear whether this alliance even existed in that time, why and Phocis, together with Delphi, why the city was in Phocia, were Bersian vassals), but the city of Caria (or Karia of Dzeia) was destroyed by the Danai's, the men were killed, and the women and children became sex slaves, their "income " were intended to rebuild the city of Adzena.
Caryatids - Korai statues on the Acropole in Adzena (Danai's), Temple of Ereteia, the male statues were called Talamoni
After gloriously winning the conflict, the Danai's made a joint decision to make war on the people of Caria. After capturing the fort, they killed all the able-bodied men, burned the city, and enslaved the women, without making them stop their blows or other matronly adornments. They wanted in fact to exploit all their fellow citizens, oppressed by the shame of severe exemplary slavery not only during the celebration of the triumph, but forever.
The architects of THE TIME then presented in public buildings the images of Caria women in the act of carrying heavy charges, wanting to remind posterity of their guilt and their punishment.
(De architettura, 1, 1, 5;Marco Vitruvio Pollione)
Namely what we are talking about, we are talking about the inhabitants of Caria (Karia), a neighboring city-state of Adzena (Danai's), which became an ally of the Persians. In revenge, the Danai's from Adzena destroyed the city, and forced the women, and probably the children, into shameful slavery. Therefore, the surviving women and children of Caria (Karia) were taken to temples - "brothel", and the income from that activity was intended for the restoration of Adzena - Danai's.
It is assumed that part of the Acropole (Acropolis) in Adzena - Danai's, the temple of Ereteus was turned into a temple - whorehouse, by the Adzian tyrant Ereteus.
Now this is also not clear, whether the Illyrians evicted the Brigs from Brygia and Illyrians settled in their place, or the Brigs moved out themselves, it needs to be investigated.
In the last battle with the Persians under the leadership of the Persian war lord Maradon in Voioa (Boeotia), where the Persians remained to spend the winter, in the army of the united city-states - Amphictoniad and the city-states of the "Iliotites", who were UNASSIMILATED PELAZGI - whites - the Arcadian League from the Dze Peninsula, there were 35,000 the "Iliotites" soldiers out of a total of 70,000 in the army of the united cities, the "Amphictoniad (it is not clear if that alliance then existed) and the Arcadian League".
After their defeat at Plataea in 479 BC, the Persian army under the command of Artabaz tried to retreat back to Dzenika (Asia Minor). Most of the 43,000 survivors were attacked and killed by the forces of Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexander the First at the mouth of the Strymon River. Vasileos Alexander the First restored Makedonian independence after the end of the Persian Wars.
THE BATTLE OF STRUMION RIVER 479 BC, marks the end of Persian domination in MakedoniaThis battle is largely hidden from "historians" or the poor people have not heard of it
A city named Amphipoliton was built on the site of the battle, probably by Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexander the First.
Името на градот е Македонско, интерпретација на името - AMFIPOLITON (Amphipoliton):
- АМ - am - war,
- FI - strongest, ancient god of strength,
- POLIT - a city of stone built where water abounds (that word can be interpreted in another way, but this is fine),
- ОN - he.
AMFIPOLITON - Militarily the strongest of the city where abounds drinking water.
The Persian bridge at the Illepont was destroyed by the Adzians of Adzena
After the battle at the mouth of the Strumion River in the AGA sey - Aegeian Sea, the future location of the city of Amphipoliton, the Adzians from Adzena took advantage of that opportunity and destroyed the bridge built by the Persians and installed an Adzian colony. A piece of the "rope" from the bridge was kept for a long time by the leaders of Azena, as a symbol of the victory over Persia. Then the Adzaians installed a colony near Ilepon in 479/8 BC, under the pretext that they would guard the Dzeian (European) part of the passage from future aggressions from Persia.
Out of gratitude to Vasileos Alexander the First, the Makedonian ruler, although he fought as a vassal on the side of Persia, he gave military information, (meaning he was a spy) to the united city-states - Amphictoniad and the city-states of the "Iliotites", NOT ASSIMILATED PELAZGI - whites - the Arcadian League, (he later became a kind of ally, not a member of the military - religious organization Amphictoniad, he was not a "Danai", nor a relative of the Danai's), to Vasileos Alexander the First, it was also recognized that was a descendant of Arakleon (Hercules).
WE SHOULD NOTE that Vasilios Alexander the First, with his soldiers, participated as a vassal and fought on the side of the Persians, in that war, he helped the united city-states - Amphictoniad and the city-states of the "Iliotites" - the Arcadian League, in the fight against the Persians. , with military information, in order to gain him, then for military interests, the military-religious organization Amphictoniad, he became a kind of ally, not a member of their military-religious organization, absolutely not because he was related to the Danai's, but for military interests, so , he was recognized as a descendant of Arakleon (Hercules).
So Vasilios Alexander the First needed valid allies, not that he was a "Danai". Persia was a very large country with many economic and military resources, it was not known if they would attack again in Dzeia (Europe). That's why the Makedonian ruler the Vasileos Alexander the First decided to unite and became a kind of ally, not a member of the military-religious union Amphictonia, whose main goal was defense from Persia. The Makedonians have done their part and a repeat invasion by the Persians was expected.
The Amphictyonian League or the "Holy League" is a religious union in which Makedonia was accepted only in 346 BC... so, not in the time of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexander the First, as the Greeks lie today.
So city-states below the Dzermopole (Thermobile) Pass on the Azenika Peninsula (only they were Danai's, settled from Africa) and on the Dze Peninsula (Peloponnese) WERE NOT ALL ASSIMILATED RELATIVES OF THE DANAI'S. The Ilelots, an indigenous population of the Dze Peninsula, were not related to the Adzaians (Daniai's) who came from Nubia - Africa.
The origin of the Adzaians (Daniai's) was the Nubians from Nubia. So only the small Adzenika Peninsula was assimilated completely by the Danai's, the other parts were not.
Voioa (Boeotia), with the city of Dzeva (Thebes) (the Holy Company of Dzeva) were assimilated by the Phoenicians, NOT by the Danai's.
The founder of Dzeva is the Phoenician Cadmus, who with a large army came to Voioa (Boeotia), a previously Pelasgian (inhabited by whites) country, in search of his sister Dzeia (Europe). Diodorus (110 3 p.305).
The remains of the palace of Cadmus in Dzeva (Thebes) date from about 1400 - 1200 BC.
A Makedonian vassal who worked as a mercenary for the Bersians (Persians), from the time of Karosh - Ka Ar os the Great of Bersia
THEREFORE THE THEORY THAT THOSE GAMES WERE "DANAIC GAMES" OR "GREEK" IS INCORRECT AND ILLOGICAL, BECAUSE THE GREEKS DID NOT EXIST AT THAT TIME, AND THE ADZIANS WERE FAR ON THE SOUTH, it is not excluded that they organized themselves own 'sport games'' in the Dze Peninsula (Peloponnese), but there with them.
***** The first organizer of the Olympic Games was ARAKLEON - (Heracles in Latin), BUT HE IS A MYTH AND A RELIGION, like Christianity today, and not a real person. So the Makedonian Vasileos Alexandroy the First, son of Vasileos Amyntas the First, encouraged by the myth of Arakleon, whom he considered as an ancestor, in order to gain his new allies, organized the International Sports Games on hioly Mount Olimp (Olympus), hence the Olympic Games.
The father of Alexander the First, the MaKedonian Vasileos Amyntaoy the First, son of Vasileos Alketoy, introduced the monetary system probably inspired by the Persians, while his son Vasileos Alexandroy the First perfected it and added the ruler's name to the script "KOINON MAKEDONON" on the coins, thus he protected the Makedonian script even more.
These coins with the alphabet KOINON MAKEDONON prove that the city of Eion or Oion, or AION, according to these coins:
''АY'' or ''HI (KOINON MAKEDONON) - АI'', which associates to the real name of the city - AION
AION, or now we will call it Eion, it was a Makedonian regional administrative center during the time of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexandoy the First and that the borders of Makedonia in the east extended at least as far as city of Eion the future Amphipoliton. The exact name of the city is unclear for now, unfortunately, we have to "rely" on the historical written evidence, which is mostly falsified, until we find a reliable 100 % proof.
For a more precise dating of these coins, they should be examined in a laboratory, but it will be proven that they were at least after 479 BC, after the battle at the mouth of the river Strumion, and thus to the city of Eion.
There are coins from Eion without letters, but this way it is much more difficult to determine under which administrative center the city belonged
After the Xenian (not Ionian) Revolt, which was unsuccessful as the rebellion ended with the Persians re-establishing control over Thrace and Payonia, including Eion, a permanent Persian fortress was built there, probably in 492 BC..
The location of the Bersian fortress
Eion functioned as one of the main Achaemenid (Persian) cities in Thrace and Paionia, where food was stored for the Persian ruler Xerxes the First and his large armies. Arod (Herodotus) and Diodorus speak of Persian garrisons, including one at Eion, which meant that its high commander was clearly an ethnic Persian.Kashayrsha (not Xerxes) recalled most of the Persian troops from the area in the winter of 480/479 BC, of course after they were defeated.
After the battle at the mouth of the river Strumion, and thus to the city of Eion, Makedonia rejected the vassal status to Persia and became an independent state under the leadership of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexandoy the First, the city fell under the Makedonian administration, and not as today's "historians", mostly Greeks who have been occupiers of the Aegean part of Makedonia since 1912, lie and hide the truth, especially about the battle at the river Strumion.
Probably the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexandoy the First, allowed the Adzaians from Adzena to have a "port station" on the way to the Illepsont, but they took advantage of it, especially during the Thracian invasions and the civil war in Makedonia after the death ofthe Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexandroy the First and for some time they conquered the city now called Amphipoliton.The city later fell under Spartan administration and eventually under the administration of the city-state of Ma Aron,
proof is also these two coins (above), which are probably from the time when the city of Eion was under the administration of the city-state of Ma Aron, that's how I read the letters - ''АR'', which associates the city state of Ma Aron (not Maroneia) or ''АY'' or ''HI (KOINON MAKEDONON) - АI'', which associates to the real name of the city - AION, the city may have been independent for some time, which is much more logical, but it was much later, certainly after deathofthe Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexandroy the First, that's how the alphabet started to spreadKOINON MAKEDONONin the east.
The Greeks through fictional texts added to historical narratives - chronicles, mostly by Arod (Herodotus) and Diodorus, mostly, lie about some kind of sieges on Eion, how so?, but the battle of Strumion 479 BC., it was a battle betweenMakedonians and Persians, exposes the forgeries.
Eion, according to the discovered coins, was undoubtedly an important administrative economic center, until it was renamed in Amphipolition, when it became a suburb - a port of Amphipoliton.
The Makedonina ruler Vasileos Alexandroy the First perfected it and added the ruler's name to the script "KOION MAKEDONON" on the coins, thus he protected the Makedonian script even more and this act of his is of great importance.
Мakedonia was considered a barbarian country by the Adzaians (Danai's) who had a colony near Makedonia, precisely they were allowed to have a colony by Vasileos Amyntoy the FIRST in the coastal city of Madzeon (not Methon), but the Adzians began to profit, the Makedonians were threatened by the Adzaian expansionism, began to interfere in the internal and external affairs of Makedonia. Now it is not clear who are bigger barbarians, the Adzians who were illiterate at that time or the Makedonians who were literate.
The Makedonians, proven on coins from the time of the Makedonian rulers Amintaoy the First and his son Alexandroy (Alexander) the First, officially for the needs of the Makedonian court in 498. BC they use the alphabet "KOINON MAKEDONON", so at least 100 years before the Adazians (Danai's) from Adzena (Danic) who in 403 BC. during the tyrant Euclid (Papastavrou, 1972, 61) "introduced" the "KOINE" script and made a copy of the book ''Iliad and Odyssey'' for their needs.
So the Adzians (Danai's) used that alphabet "koine" as late as 403 BC.. This means that the Adzians before 403 BC. THEY WERE ILLITRATE, or used some other form of alphabet to communicate.
**** Explanation of the names of some ancient Makedonian deities, Gena and Ma:
- GAGENA - GA -the great Gena, the goddess of health, wife of Ar - the creator,
- MEGA - Ma the Great Mother, Ga - the Great, Ma - the Mother Goddess, daughter of Gena,
- GA - the great, Makedonian ancient word.
Hence we conclude that the word "MEGAS - ME G' AS" is actually a Makedonian word, not a foreign one:
- ME - (in spelind) Great Mother Ma,,
- Г' (a) - GA -the great Gena, the goddess of health, wife of Ar - the creator,
- AS - I.
Hence MEGAS ALEXANDER - I am like "Ma and Gena Alexander" - "the great, the most important and the most holy Alexander".From where we see the Greeks do not know what they use,they use Makedonian words and brag about Makedonian rulers and all this is served to us Makedonians as theirs.
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣAΛKETY ''В'' ВTOРI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
Аlketoy the Second 454 – 448 BC. was the eldest son of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexandroy (Alexander) the First. He became the ruler of Makedonia after the death of his father in 454 BC. His brothers were Berdikaoy the Second and Philip. Alket was known for his addiction to alcohol. After six years of reign, he was killed by his nephew Archelaoy the First, and his younger brother took over the throne of Makedonia.
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ЕPΔIKKAY ''В'' ВTOPI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
According to the reading of the alphabet KOINON MAKEDONON- PE = BE so, BERDIKKA (or Berdika, double ``k, is just a potentiated ``k'').
Interpretation of the name Berdika: BERDIKKA - BER DI KKA - from right to left - KКА Di BER - How Di (D - God the creator ) WHITE - ''White how the god''.
Berdikkaoy the Second was the ruler of Makedonia from 454 BC to 413 BC. He was the son of Vasileos Alexandroy the First.
After the death of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexandroy (Alexander) the First in 452 BC, Makedonia began to disintegrate. Makedonian tribes became almost completely autonomous and had weak ties with the ruler.
The Makedonian ruler Alketoy was an alcoholic incapable of running the country, so his brothers started a civil war for the Makedonian throne, while Makedonia became the subject of invasion by the Thracians, the Illyrians and the Adzaians. To the Adzaians (Danai's) of Adzena were allowed to establish a colony in the city of Madzeon by the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Amyntaoy the First around 499 BC, at the Termaian Gulf in Makedonia, but the Adzains began to spread, taking advantage of the civil war, they had already put some Makedonian cities as their vassals and conquered Amphipoliton, on the grounds that they needed the city to supply themselves with wood for shipbuilding.
As a result, is separated: Ilimaia, Link, Bellagon, Payonia, and they from Chalkideon, made their own alliance under the name Chalkideon Legue (Union).
HALKIDEON, coin of the Chalkideon Legue
Coin of Olindzeion (not Olint or ''olinthus'' and ect.), one of the leaders of the Chalkideon Legue and the dog was the symbol of the Argeads, a sign that they of Olindzeion were Makedonians.
^The oldest Payonian coins with the alphabet "KOINON MAKEDONON''^
YEKON or REKON, the text is very difficult to read, a coin found in the ancient city today archaeological site Astipon (Shtip) - Makedonia, dated (around) 460 BC.
Very strong evidence that the Payonians were part of Makedonia at the time of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexandroy (Alexander) the First, where they took the alphabet from. The Adzaians (Danai's) from Adzena only after 430 BC, with Euclid's reforms, began to use the alphabet "KOINON MAKEDONON".
Around 434 BC, Berdika's brother, Philip, challenged his brother for the throne. Philip received help from Adzena (Danai's) and the separatist, ruler Derda of Ilimaia. Vasileos Berdikkaoy the Second retaliated by causing an uprising in several vassal cities of Adzena, including Potideia. Adzena retaliated with 1000 hoplites and 30 ships in Makedonia and captured Terma.On the march to the siege of Pind, they were joined by another 2,000 hoplites and 40 ships. However, while the siege of Pindus was going on, the Adzaians (Danai's) learned that Quse (Corinth) had sent 1600 hoplites and 400 light infantry in support of Potideia. To deal with this new threat, Adzena (Danai's) formed an alliance with Vasileos Berdikkaoy the Second and continued to fight in Potideia. The Makedonian ruler the Vasileos Berdikkaoy the Second immediately broke the agreement and headed to Potidaia where the Adzaians (Danai's) won.
In 431 BC, Adzena (Danai's) allied with the ruler Sitalcus of Thrace, after the wedding of Nympodorus the Adzaian with Sitalcus' sister. Nymphodorus then started negotiations between Adzena and the Makedonian ruler the Vasileos Berdikkaoy the Second, where Vasileos Berdikkaoy the Second got back the city of Therma. As a result, Adzena withdrew its support for Philip and the Thracians promised to help Vasileos Berdika the Second capture him. In turn, Vasileos Berdikaoy the Second marched on the separatists from Halkideon (Chalkideon).
However, Vasileos Berdikka the Second again betrayed the Adzaians (Danai's) and sent 1000 troops to support Sparta in their attack on Akarnania in 429 BC, but they arrived too late to be of any help (Thucydides 2.80). In response to that, Sitalk attacked Makedonia with the promise of help from Adzena. This help never came and Vasileos Berdikkaoy the Second again used diplomacy to maintain the integrity of Makedonia. He promised his sister as a bride to Sitalk's nephew, who convinced Sitalk to leave the Makedonian territory.
After this dispute, Vasileos Berdikka the Second allied with Sparta and in 424 BC, together with the Spartan Brasides, they liberated Amphipoliton from the Adzaians (Danai's), which was one of the most important port cities at that time due to the proximity of the area to shipbuilding wood. This was a heavy blow for Adzena (Danaic) as it was forced to import wood from Makedonia for many years. This strengthened the bargaining power of Makedonia many times over.The alliance with the Spartans helped Vasileos Berdikkaoy the Second to fortify his borders by attacking the separatist ruler Archabaeus of Lynk with the promise of help from Illyria. However, the Illyrians switched sides and attacked the Vasileos Berdikka the Second and his Spartan allies. The poorly trained Makedonian soldiers escaped and therefore the Spartans began to retreat and out of anger attacked the Makedonian freight cars. This spoiled the relationship between Makedonia and the Peninsula of Dze (Peloponnese) for many years and therefore Vasileos Berdikaoy the Second had to make an alliance with Adzena (Danai's) in 423/2. BC.
In 417 BC, Vasileos Berdikkaoy the Second left the alliance with Adzena (Danaic) and joined the Spartan-Argovian alliance. Only four years later, due to pressure from Adzena, Vasileos Berdikka the Second severed ties with the Dze Peninsula.
Most probably the Makedonian Vasileos Berdikkaoy the Second built the city of Ber, north of Aga (aegea), because the dating of the site is the same from that time.
Vasileos Berdikoy the Second died in 413 BC and passed the inheritance to his son, Archelaoy.
''А'' ПРВI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Arhelaoy (Archelaoy) the First was the ruler of Makedonia from 413 to 399 BC who came to the throne after the death of his father, the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Berdikkaoy the Second. Arhelaoys mother was actually a slave, and Vasileos Arhelaoy managed to get to the throne by killing his uncle, cousin and his half-brother who was the legal heir, but he proved himself to be a capable and useful ruler who fundamentally changed the state's administrative structure, the military and trade.
Shortly after his coronation, Vasileos Arhelaoy was faced with a situation that allowed him to totally change Makedonia's relations with Adzena (Danic), which had been a great threat for the last 50 years. The Adzaians (Danai's) were badly defeated in Syrakosion (Syracuse), near the end of 413 BC. and most of their ships were destroyed.
Coin of SYRAKOSION (Syracuse) S YRA K OSI ON - S Yra (with Ara, the wife of Dze) K (at) OSI (o Dze) he
Because of this the Adzaians were in desperate need of a huge amount of wood for new ships and so Vasileos Arhelaoy was able to set the price. Then he generously supplied them with all the wood they needed. In recognition of this, the Adzaians honored the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Arhelaoy and his children with the title "People's Proxenos and Evergetes".
Then the Vasileos Arhelaoy set about implementing many internal reforms. He issued a large quantity of coins of excellent quality, built fortresses, made straight roads (important for the mobility of the army) and improved the organization of the army, especially the cavalry and the koplits (infantry with spears).
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Arhelaoy is the founder of the holy city of Dion, on the eastern slopes of Olimp (Olympus), whose walls were 2,500 m in length, and the area of the fortified part was 460,000 m². In addition to the temple of the god "Dze", there were also sanctuaries of other gods, Dion and Demetera, then Asclepia, Isis (she was obviously not just an Egyptian goddess, just like Ra, who was worshiped a lot in Makedonia at that time), Muse and others. Following are theaters, necropolises, palaces, thermal baths, houses for the great and others, which were discovered by the archaeological researches of 1920, 1929, 1978 and beyond. The city was built to defend the holy Mount Olymp from foreign invaders, primarily from the expansion of the Adzaians who had a nearby colony and other enemies, so that they would not have access to the holy places.
The Vasileos Arhelaoy is among the big personalities of Macedonia. He continued the shaping of the internal and international policy of Makedonia, which was traced by the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Berdikaoy the Second, for the liberation of the coastal parts of the country from the Adzaian colonialism, as well as from Adzaian influence. In order to get rid of the pressure of Adzana (Danai's), he in 410 BC. moved the city of Pind, which was the most important coastal city of the Termay Bay at the time of Makedonian independence, to the interior of the country. During his period, Makedonia developed into a modern state.
The Vasileos Arhelaoy he was also known as a man of culture and created special cultural-artistic ties with Adzana (Danai's).
In the new Makedonian capital, Bellas - bright (illuminated), Bellasti - brights (the illuminated), (not Pella), (which he MOVED from Aga - Aegea ) he began to receive great poets, tragedians, including Euripides (who wrote his tragedies Arhelaoy and Bacchus during his stay in Makedonia), musicians and painters, including Dzeukiy (the most famous painter of the time).
The economy has become strong. Large palaces, thoroughfares, social and cultural institutions were built. At his Makedonian court in Bellas, prominent figures from cultural life stayed, among them the world-famous poet and of course the main tragedian Euripides (485 - 406 BC), who was a student of Anaxagoras and a friend of Socrates. He stayed in Bellas with the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Arhelaoy until his death (standard scheme - ancient spy), with great mutual respect.
The decoration of the Makedonian court was done by the popular painter of Arakleon (Heraclea) from Sidzeilia (Sicily), the land of the two suns, under the name Dzevkiy, around 430 BC.
It is also known that the famous epic poet Hesiod (around 700 BC) emphasized his Makedonian origin much earlier, who wrote that he was the son of "Dze" and had the same surname as Makedonia and the Makedonians - Makedon - MAKEDONON (Е.I.Е.,
1976, 1490). Hesiod is the author of the theogony, the creation of myths about the gods of Olimp (Olympus), and the cosmogony, about the creation of the world. In his paper entitled "Works and Days" he laid the foundations of the sciences of agriculture, shipping, household and living, and he interwoven all this with myths and fables.
The Makedonian ruler - Vasileos - (your light) VAS ILE OS Arhelaoy CONTINUED THE TRADITION STARTED BY HIS GREAT-GRANDFATHER, the Makedonian ruler - Vasileos - VAS ILE OS (Your Light) ALEXANDROY THE FIRST and introduced the holiday "Olympia", which was a religious holiday with athletic contests in honor of the victory over the Persians, of DZE / ILE - the Sun God and the Muses in the temple of SE / ILE - the Sun God. The greatest athletes and artists were gathered in one place for this event on the northeast side of the holy Mount Olimp (Olympus) in the newly built Makedonian religious-cultural city of Dion. Thus, with the participation of several nations, that sporting event had an international character.
Vasileos (your light) Arhelaoy was killed in 399 BC. in hunting by one of his trusted servants. It is possible that this work was part of a conspiracy, although nothing has ever been proven. Until then, he managed to turn Makedonia into a great military and economic power.
After the unfortunate death of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Arhelaoy, a period of anarchy ensued, invasion by the Illyrians, the Payonians, the Olindzeans of Halkideon (Chalcedon) and others. This period in Makedonia lasted about 40 years, and nine rulers changed, followed by military aid from Sparta (362 and 379 BC). Makedonia became incapable of leading an independent international policy and found itself between two rivals: Adzena (Danai's) and Dzeva (Thebes).
''А'' ПРВI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
The Makedonian ruler the vasileos Krateroy was the ruler of Makedonia in 399 BC.
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ OPEΣTY I AEPOY ''В'' ВТОРI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
The Makedonian Vasileos Orestoy was the ruler of Makedonia who lived from 399 to 396 BC.
The Vasileos Orestoy was the son of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos (your light) Arhelaoy and by Cleopatra, who was probably the widow of Vasileos Berdikaoy the Second. When Vasileos Arhelaoy the First lost the throne due to a conspiracy against him, Orestoy was still a child and was declared Vasileos only formally, while his guardian - regent Aeropoy ruled in fact. He soon killed Orestoy himself and took the throne of Makedonia (Diodorus, 14.37).
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Aeropoy the Second was the ruler of Macedonia from 399 BC. – 393 BC, guardian - regent of Orestoy, son of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos (your light) Arhelaoy the First. Aeropoy ruled for almost six years, beginning in 399 BC.
In the first four years he ruled together with Orestoy, and in the rest alone. He was succeeded by his son Paysaniaoy. (Diodor. 14. 37, 84; Dexippus after Sinkel. p. 263, a.; comp. Polyenus 2. 1. s 17).
''В'' ВTOPI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Arhelaoy the Second was the second successor of his father Arhelaoy the First and ruled for seven years. He was the brother of vasileos Orestoy. According to the Chronicon, Arhelaus ruled for four years.
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ AMYNTAY ''В'' ВTOPI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ AYΣANIAY - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
Vasileos (your light) Paysaniaoy was the ruler of Makedonia in 393 BC.
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Paysaniaoy was son of vassileos - (your light) Aeropoy the Scond. On his father's side, he belonged to the "Linkestids" lineage (dinasty), which operated in northwestern Makedonia. He ruled for one year and according to Diodorus, but he was killed by Vasileos Amyntaoy the Second, the grandson of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexandroy (Alexander) the First, who seized the Makedonian throne (Diodorus, 14.89).
In the chronology of rulers, Vasileos Paysaniaoy sometimes stands after Amyntaoy the Second according to the arrangement of tables of lineage in the Chronicle of Essevius, which he compiled in the 4th century, according to earlier records of ancient historians and partly according to Diodorus. The history of it is scanty and confusing. During this time, the Makedonian rulers changed often in a mutual struggle for the Makedonian throne, and the name Amyntaoy was simultaneously borne by several members of the Argeadi lineage.
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ AMYNTAY ''В'' ВTOPI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ APГY ''В'' ВTOPI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
Vasileos Argoy the Second was a pretender to the Makedonian throne, who, with the help of the Illyrians, expelled Amyntaoy the Second and kept the throne for two years. Then Vasileos Amyntaoy the THIRD, with the help of the Dzetsalians (Thessalians), succeeded in expelling Argoy the Second and regained part of his power. Most likely, in 359 BC. the same Argoy the Second tried again to conquer the throne. He managed to convince the Adzaians (Danai's) to support him, but Vasileos Philippoy the Second, who had just become the ruler of Makedonia, prevented him from doing so. Later Argoy, with the help of foreigners, unsuccessfully tried to seize the Makedonian throne by force. His death is not known, but he was probably killed by the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy the Second, near Aga (Aegea).
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ AMYNTAY ''Г'' ТPETI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos (your light) Amyntaoj the THIRD (or SECOND), son of Archideoy and grandfather of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, was the ruler of Makedonia from 393 (or 389) to 369 BC..
The Vasileos Amyntaoy on the Makedonian throne of granite, wrapped in a purple robe. It is evident that granite was valued by the Makedonians because of its hardness, so not gold, but the Makedonian Throne was made of granite, it symbolizes the hardness of the Makedonian ruler - Vasileos - your light and strength.
Vasileos Amyntaoy the Third came to the throne after ten years of succession problems after the death of Vasileos Arhelaoy the Second, the patron of art, literature and sports of the Olympic Games.
In this period, the western border of Makedonia is under attack by the Illyrian tribes who, under the leadership of Vardilas, invade and plunder the Upper Makedonian areas. The Makedonian rulers have constant ties with the Dzetsalian (Thessalian) aristocrats and help them militarily with the intention of expanding their territory.
But he had many enemies in Makedonia itself; in 383 BC was driven out by the Illyrians, but regained the throne the following year with the help of Dzetsalia (Thessaly).
Parade - The return of Vasileos Amyntaoy, accompanied by Vasiltsa Evrydika in Makedonia
He concluded an agreement with Sparta, which helped him reduce the influence of Olinzeion (379 BC). He also entered into an alliance with Iasso of Phrae (Dzetsalia) and maintained friendship with Adzena (Danaì's).
Thus, in one period, the Makedonian ruler Vasileos (your light) Amyntaoy manages to place a large part of northern Dzetsalia (Thessaly) under his protectorate, and when the tyrant Jason of Phrae conquers Dzetalia, Vasileos Amyntas concludes a political agreement with him. At this time, Amyntas concluded a military and economic alliance with the Halkidon League for fifty years, but the agreement was soon broken because the Halkidon League not only did not help Makedonia when it was attacked by the Illyrians, but also attacked Makedonia and even invaded the capital Bellas (not Pella).
Vasileos Amyntaoy asks for help from the Spartan hoplites, who attack Olindzeion (382 BC), because this most powerful city of Halkiedon enters into an alliance with Dzeva (Thebes) and Adzena and poses a danger not only to Makedonia, but also for Sparta. The Spartans, together with the horsemen of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Amyntaoy and Derda of Ilimaia fought until 379. BC, when Olindzeion surrenders; according to Isocrates, the Spartans do not take care of "their" interests (meaning the interests of the Anphictoniad - a military-religious alliance), but fight and die,... the Spartan avaxtos (ruler) and his brother die in favor of the Makedonian ruler.
With the restoration of the Adzaian Maritime Union, Makedonia becomes the main supplier of wooden material for shipbuilding, which is the reason for Adzena (Danai's) and Makedonia to re-enter the alliance, above all to conclude a trade agreement.
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Amyntaoy the THIRD f rom his wife, Vasilitsa Evridika (Eurydice) the Second, he had three sons, the youngest of whom is the famous Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy.
ΑΛΕΑΝΔΡY ''B'' ВTOPI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
The Vasileos (your light) Alexandroy the Scond
was ruler of Makedonia from 370 to 368 BC, after the death of his father the Makedonian ruler Vasileos (your light) Amyntaoj the THIRD/SECOND. He was the eldest of his three sons. Although he was already old enough, Alexanddroy was very young when he came to power. This was very problematic for him because his enemies continued to war with Makedonia. The Vasileos Alexanddroy was simultaneously faced with an Illyrian invasion from the northwest and an attack from the east by the pretender Paysaniaoy. Paysaniaoy soon captured several cities and threatened his mother, who was in the palace at Bellas with her young sons.
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexandroy the Scond defeated the enemies with the help of the Adzaian warlord Iphicrates. At Alevdai's request, Vasileos Alexandroy the Scond intervened in the civil war in Dzetsalia (Thessaly), which was actually a military alliance. He then successfully took control of Larisaion and several other cities but, breaking the promise he had put the Makedonian garrisoned there. This provoked Dzeva (Thebes) - the city-state that was the leading military power at the time.
Dzeva's war lord Pelopides drove the Makedonians out of Dzetsalia. He then neutralized Vasileos Alexandroy the Scond by protecting the ambitions of Vasileos Alexandroy's son-in-law Ptolemaoy of Aloros and forced Vasileos Alexandroy to abandon his alliance with Adzena (Danai's) and ally with Dzeva. As part of this new alliance, Vasileos Alexandroy had to hand over hostages, including his younger brother the prince Philip (future Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy).
During a festival, Vasileos Alexandroy the Scond was assassinated on the orders of Ptolemaioy. Although Vasileos Alexandroys brother Berdikkaoy the Third became ruler, he was under the age limit and Ptolemaioy was appointed regent (overseer).
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣTΛEMHIY ''А'' ПPBI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
Ptolemaioy the First or Ptolemaioy of Alor was the regent (overseer) of Makedonia from 368 to 365 BC. He assassinated his predecessor Vasileos Alexandroy the Second to seize power. He ruled as regent (overseer) for the young Berdikkaoy the Third, until Berdikkaoy killed him in 365 BC.
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ЕPΔIKKAY''Г'' ТPETI - ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet
The Vasileos (your light) Berdikkaoy was the ruler of Makedonia from 365 to 356 BC, succeeding his brother Vasileos Alexandroy the Scond.
Berdikkaoy was the son of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos (your light) Amyntaoj the THIRD/SECOND and Vasilistsas Evridika (Eurydice) the SECOND and was under the age limit when Vasileos Alexandroy the Scond was killed by Ptolemaioy of Alor, who then ruled as regent (overseer). Berdikkaoy killed him and thus took the throne.
Ptolemaioy of Alor, as the guardian of Berdikkaoy and Philippoy, ruled until 365 AD. BC, when Vasileos (your light) Berdikkaoy the THIRD comes to power, who returns Philippoy from captivity. The new ruler establishes good relations with Dzeva (Thebes), for which he is declared a friend and benefactor. Vasileos Berdikaoy tries to have good relations with Adzena (Danai's) and the Adzaian colony Madzeon, but the Adzaians were very problematic, on several occasions they tried to subjugate the coastal cities of Makedonia and on several occasions they also conquered Amphipoliton.
After a change in political circumstances, Vasileos Berdikkaoy the THIRD turned against Adzena (Danai's) and in 359 BC.. frees Amphipolition from the Adzaians.
At the same time, the Illyrians, led by the old general Vardilas, attacked Orestida and Vasileos Berdikka died in a battle with four thousand Makedonian soldiers in 359 AD. BC. As a domino effect, Chalkideon separates, and the Adzaians conquer the important Makedonian strategic city of Pind.
In these moments of crisis for the Makedonian state, the Makedonian Assemble proclaims Philippoy the Second, the youngest son of Vasileos Amyntaoy the Third, as the new Makedonian ruler.
The Vasileos Amyntaoy the Fourth was the titular ruler of Makedonia in 359 BC and a member of the Argead dynasty.
The Vasileos Amyntaoy the Fourth was the son of Vasileos (your light) Berdikkaoy the THIRD. After his father's death in 359 BC he became RULER when he was a baby. When the Makedonians were attacked by the Illyrians, the ruler Amyntaoy the Fourth was brought to the battlefield, even though he was only a baby, the Makedonians believed that he would bring them strength and victory in the fight.
Philippoy the Second, Berdka's brother and the youngest son of Vasileos Amyntaoy the Third, became his tutor and regent (overseer). In the same year Philippoy the Second proclaimed himself ruler of Makedonia and alienated his younger nephew. Amyntaoy was not considered dangerous enough to pose a threat to Philippoy the Second, who even gave him his daughter Kinana in marriage.
With the rise of Vasileon Makedonon Aexandroy to power in 336 BC, things changed - Amyntaoy the Fourth was immediately executed.
Affront your enemy, face to face ... with the same weapons ... and after you defeat him, respect him and make him your friend, on the contrary, if not you are not A MAKEDONIAN
,... When my father found you, you were wandering and poor, dressing in animal skins and grazing a few sheep on the mountain slopes.
He found you when you defended yourself with little success from the Illyrians, the Tribals and the Thracians.
Instead of your animal skins, he dressed you in robes. From the mountains, bring you down to the lowlands. But most of all, give you the courage, the courage to fight the barbarians, who were everywhere.
You no longer rush to take refuge in remote places and in the crevices of the rocks of your impregnable mountain fortress. You stood firm on the ground and fought for what justly belonged to you.......
Your son Alexandroy Makedonon, the glorious Vasileon of Makedon,by the Mercy of God, unthil to India, who trampled them, gave us eternity.
Ey, Philippoy, OY, OY, EY, Makedonon, HE IS, Vasileon Makedon.
MAKEΔNΩN - Ancient Makedonian (KOINON MAKEDONON) alphabet - the letter '' B '' was number 2, the number '' 2 '' is Arabic number, meaning later
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ MAKEΔNΩNФIΛIY It is the official name and is unique, there is no need for "numbers"
АGА, not Aegea or ''vegina''
The Makedonian tribe who Vasileos Makedonon Philipoy who he had unified, it's
(From Aga),
(From Almopija)
(From Bellas),
(From Ber),
(From Belagon),
(From Ilimaia),
(From Link),
(From Orest),
(From Payonia),
(From the Peninsula Halkideon),
(From Molosi - Achilea),
Karians (From Karia - Dzeika, ''ka and Dze'' so-called Asia Minor), therefore the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon planned a campaign on Bersia (Persia) to liberate them, the Phrygians from Phrygia can also be considered, the former worries. In Dzeika or Dzenika there were other colonies of Makedonians, Makedonian colonies colonized earlier),
(From Thrace),
(From Tribalion),
(From Iliria, it was a military union, not a state) and
(From Dardania, for this purpose they were removed from the Illyrian military alliance by the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon).
Their common feature is that they worshiped the Goddess Great Mother - MA.
BEFORE THE UNIFICATION THE MAKEDONIAN SUN WAS WITH EIGHT SOLAR RAYS, joined symbolically by rays around (Dze) the ruler:
(From Aga),
(From Almopija)
(From Bellas),
(From Ber),
(From Belagon),
(From Ilimaia),
(From Link),
(From Orest).
Glori Vasileos of Makedoniaeveryone knows you, Lipy (beautiful).
Ey Philippy - Lipy Makedon, Vasileos Makedonon.
Born to us mother Makedonia another Vasileon Makedonon, ON, ON,.. Lipy.
Ey Philippy - Lipy Makedonon, Vasileos Makedon ON, ON.
In countless battles,
Makedonian name celebrated.
Your son Alexandroy Makedonon, the glorious Vasileon of Makedon,
by the Mercy of God, unthil to India, who trampled them, gave us eternity.
Ey, Philippoy, OY, OY, EY, Makedonon, HE, IS, Vasileon Makedon.
Born to us mother Makedonia another Vasileon Makedonon, ON, ON,.. Lipy.
Ey Philippy - Lipy Makedonon, Vasileos Makedon ON, ON.
Makedonia regretfully for you, son of Makedon. Ey, Philippoy, OY, OY, EY, Makedonon, HE, IS, Vasileon Makedon.
Born to us mother Makedonia another Vasileon Makedonon, ON, ON,.. Lipy.
Ey Philippy - Lipy Makedonon, Vasileos Makedon ON, ON.
Makedonian is eternal name will never perish. We give a head, we do not give Makedonia and a Makedonian name.
Makedonia regretfully for you son of Makedon. Ey, Philippoy, OY, OY, EY, Makedonon, HE, IS, Vasileon Makedon.
'' - When my father found you, you were wandering and poor, dressing in animal skins and grazing a few sheep on the mountain slopes.
He found you when you defended yourself with little success from the Illyrians, the Tribals and the Thracians.
Instead of your animal skins, he dressed you in robes. From the mountains, bring you down to the lowlands. But most of all, give you the courage, the courage to fight the barbarians, who were everywhere.
You no longer rush to take refuge in remote places and in the crevices of the rocks of your impregnable mountain fortress. You stood firm on the ground and fought for what justly belonged to you.
He made you colonizers and introduced laws and customs that not only took care of your safety, but also brought the dawn of a new era of culture and living. From slaves and impoverished subjects, he made you rulers not only of your land but also of the barbarians who had previously threatened to devastate your property and seize your benefits..
He made you rulers of the Dzetsalians, of whom you have always had a deep and mortal fear. With his victory over the Phocians, he secured our access to the Peloponnese of Dze through roads that were wide and passable, not narrow and inaccessible.
He humiliated the Adzaians and Dzevans to such an extent that in that campaign, I personally helped him in Aronea so that instead of these nations constantly attacking Makedonia and paying taxes to the former and living as vassals of the latter, they now rely onof our assistance and intervention to ensure their safety.
He invaded the Dze Peninsula and, after securing control over their affairs, was elected commander-in-chief of the entire Peninsula of Dze in the expedition against the Persians, a glory which he not only appropriated for himself, but also bestowed on the entire Makedonian nation.''....
- F - F, was ancientGod through which are is demonstrated the power
- I - and
- LIP - the most beautiful
- OY - оy
Handsome and the most beautiful - FILIP.
So Philip is "Makedonon - Makedonski", it is a title and not a surname, given by the Makedonians to the Makedonian Vasileos Philip and in that wey became "Makedonon - Makedonski", the title is transferred to his blood followers, his son vasileon Alexandoy and his grandson vasileos Alexandoy (the Younger). They are "Makedonon - Makedonski", after them the rest of the Makedonian rulers are not "Makedonon - Makedonski" as a title and are usurpers of the Makedonian throne, any way and they are Makedonians.
PHILIPPOYMAKEDONON - VASILEOS MAKEDONON, the most beautiful man in Dzeia at the time
This is not an antique medallion, but has been presented as such by forgers
Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy - Philip of Makedon - Philip The Makedonian - Philip of Makedonia (382-336 BC) is the vasileoc (ruler-king) of Makedonia (ruled 359-336 BC). Born in BELLAS - illuminated, BELLASTI - the illuminated - (not Pella) in 382 BC, he was the youngest son of vasileos Amyntoy Third and the vasilitsa (vasilissas) - the Queen Eurydice. In his youth (c. 368-365 BC) he was a hostage in Dzeva, the leading city-state at the time. During his stay there he was held hostage to military and diplomatic experience by Epimanidas, a Dzevan warlord. Here she befriends the commander of the Dzevan Holy Battalion and teaches her military tactics on the ground.
Epimanidas, a Dzevan warlord
The Dzevan Holy Battalion
The Battalion Sacred was a elite Dzevan army consists of 150 pairs of homosexual lovers, according to Plutarch (in "Life of Pelopidas"), the Dzevan commander Geordi, the battalion was created because it was believed that every man would be motivated to fight the best of its ability both to protect her lover, or to avoid dishonor to him. It was well equipped, each soldier was equipped with: armor, helmet, shield, sword and spear, was the best tactically trained military force at the time.
Plutarch explains the motivation of the use of this "Army of Lovers" in battle:
" When danger looms
men of the same tribe
or at least keep the same family
account of the life of his fellow men, but a group
which consolidated the friendship rooted
love never melts and is invincible
since the lovers, for fear of appearing
petty in the eyes of their loved ones,
and loved for the same reason, will face
welcomes the danger to succor each other."
Also according to Plutarch, Geordi initial deployment of the pairs within the avant-garde Dzevan Sacred Battalion as chosen soldiers, to reinforce the resolve of others. But after the Battalion distinguished itself in the battle of Tegirira, Pelopide use as a kind of private guard. For nearly 33 years, Sacred Dzevan Battalion suffered no defeats and played an important role in the Dzevan infantry.
The moment of defeat came at the Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC), the decisive battle in which vasileos Makedonon Philippoy and his son vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy put an end to the hegemony of the thise city-state.
In youth Philip had been a prisoner of war in Dzeva, and there he learned military tactics. The rest of the Dzevan army retreated before the army of the Makedonian vasileos Makedonon Philippoy and his son Alexandroy Makedonon, but the Sacred Battalion, surrounded by nothing and decided to surrender, remained in the field and fell in battle. Plutarch tells us that the sight of dead bodies piled members of the Battalion, and having understood who they were, the Makedonian vasileos Makedonon Philippoy said:
"Well be put to death anyone who suspects that these men did or suffered anything unseemly!''
Although Plutarch claims that the three hundred men of the Battalion were killed the same day, other authors consider that died and 244 others were injured. A news confirmed by the excavation of the pit comunedi Chaeronea, in which 244 skeletons were discovered, arranged in seven rows. This collective burial is indicated by a stone lion (discovered in 1818), replication of polyandreion Thespini.
Voioan (Boeotian) shield - coin
Short for the city state Dzeva
The founder of Dzeva it's Cadmo one phoenix king and his descendants, with a great army came to Voia (Boeotia) previously province of the Pelasgians (inhabited by whites), looking for his sister Dzaia (Europa).
The remains of the palace of Cadmus in Dzeva (now in ruins) it's around 1400 to 1200 BC.
The ancient Dzevans were descendants of the people of Phoenix.
The city Dzeva was totally destroyed by Makedonian vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, the inhabitants killed and sold as slaves and the territory was divided among the other cities.
Before his death, vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy in his Testament, order to be renovated the city of Dzeva, who has given money to do this.
The vasileos (king) of Makedonia, Cassandroy renewed the city but now without any military-political influence.
The death of his older brothers vasileos Alexandroy SECOND and vasileos Berdikoy THIRD enabled him to ascend the Makedonian throne in 359 BC. Originally appointed regent of his underage nephew Amyntoy FOURTH, he would succeed in taking full power.
At the age of 23, Philipoy was appointed educator (regent) of his minor nephew vasileos Amyntoy FOURTH, but later ws recognized as vasileos - ruler of Makedonia from the Makedonian People's Assembly, in addition to having other successors to this position such as some Makedonian officers, half-brothers byhis mother side Eurydice: Archely, Aridey and Meneley.The first was killed by vasileos Philippoy and the other two escaped persecution in Olindzeion.
At that moment, Makedonia was attacked from all sides, and parts occupied by the Illyrians, the Thracians while the Adzaians unloaded their army in the naval part under the leadership of another heir to the Makedonian throne named Argoy, who promised to the Adzaians the city of Amphipolition.
Although young vasileos Philippoy proved to be a good diplomat. He bribed the Thracian ruler with gifts, so he turned against Argoy as the most dangerous at the moment. The Adzaians warlord Mantia, who came to the port of Madzeon with 3,000 kopliti - infantry soldiers, but remained in place, Argoy marched supported by mercenaries to Aga (Aegea), (the ancient Makedonian capital) but in the city did not receive support from the people and had to retreat to Madzeon. On the way, vasileos Philippoy set a trap for him and completely defeated him in 359 BC. Vasileos Philippoy, however, immediately withdrew the Makedonian garrison from Amphipolition for peace and carried out military reforms in Makedonia in order to consolidate his power.
Makedonia before governed by vasileos Makedonon Philippoy
Shortly after coming to power, Makedonian vasileos Philippoy carried out reforms in the country and introduced a permanent paid army with the famous Makedonian phalanx, as a basic military unit, and also introduced cavalry, devices for siege of cities, devices for throwing stones and arrows. His military capabilities contributed to Makedonia becoming a regional power.
The army of Makedonia in the time of Makedonian vasileos Philippoy is considered one of the most magnificent military forces of the ancient world.Their perfection was first shown under the leadership of Makedonian ruler vasileos Philippoy.
The great innovations of weapons and tactics devised by vasileos Philippoy of Makedonia were the main factors for the greatness and success of the Makedonian army. Makedonian vasileos Philippoy turned the war into a way of life for many Makedonians, who until then saw the army as a part-time job working outside the agricultural season. By making the military a real full-time job. Vasileos Philippoy was able to train his troops regularly, building unity and cohesion. This created the best military machinery ever seen, thanks to time and effort devoted to maneuveringand military innovation.
Tactical innovations include the use of the phalanx, as well as coordinated attacks and tactics between the phalanx (infantry), cavalry, archers, and siege machinery.
One of their weapons was SORIOSA - a spear - Sor and Osa, which provided many offensive and defensive advantages to the Makedonian army.
Wrought iron helmet from the Makedonian phalanx from the time of vasileos Philippoy of Makedonia, found in 1998 at the place Isap Mrvinci
Fragment of a relief from Limira, Lycia4-th century BC
The Makedonian Phalanx
Around the villageDebrishte - locality Gradishte - Prilep, Republic of Macedonia, wrought iron helmet
Helmet from the Makedonian phalanx
Helmet from the Makedonian cavalry
Helmet from the Makedonian cavalry
Wrought iron helmet from the Makedonian phalanx
Helmet from the Makedonian phalanx
Makedonian bronze helmet, private collection, probably Turkey
Makedonian helmet from the Makedonian phalanx at the Bavarian State Museum, Munich, Germany
From the Makedonian phalanx, Zapirion's helmet
Helmet with image of Dze od richness of Olonesht (disputed by E.V. Chernenko)
Makedonian shield bearer - Belltast (after the white horse's tail on the helmet), the relief is located in Vienna
Helmet from the Makedonian phalanx
Wrought iron helmet from the Makedonian phalanx
Wrought iron helmet from the Makedonian cavalry
Protective part of a helmet from the Makedonian phalanx
Bronze shield from the Makedonian phalanx - probably from the "Bronze shields", the second elite guard in the Makedonian phalanx after the "Silver spears"
Wrought iron helmet from the Makedonian phalanx with fragments of silver (from the Makedonian cavalry) today is in the museum of St. Petersburg
Protected armor from the Macedonian phalanx with the image of Medusa - today it is in the museum of St. Petersburg
Weapons from the Makedonian phalanx
According to Diodorus (16.3.1-2), in 359 A.C.:
"... The Makedonian ruler vasileos Philippoy improved the organization of his forces by equipping his men with the necessary weapons for war, held maneuvers of men with weapons in coordinated exercises. He devised a Compact Order and equipped the phalanx, imitating the dense shield formations of Ilion warriors, and was the first to organize the Makedonian Phalanx ."
Diodorus 15. 44. 1 - 3 - Ifikrat from Adzana, the adopted son of the Makedonian vasileos Amyntoy , the father of Makedonian vasileos Philippoy:
"Having gained extensive experience in military operations during the Persian War, he devised many improvements to the instruments of war, devoting himself especially to the field of weapons.
First, the policies use shields that are large and therefore difficult to handle. He rejected them, with others smaller and rounder, of moderate size, thus achieving two goals: to give the body adequate coverage and to allow the shield user with his ease to be completely free in his movements. .
They used to be called "kopliti" at the expense of their heavy shield, since then their name has been renamed "Belltasti", after ''the pelta'' (after the white horse's tail on the helmet) what they wore.
He made a change in the opposite direction, in fact he increased the length of the spears and doubled the length of the swords, which while using these test weapons confirmed the practicality and success of these experimental tools and earned a great reputation and in general inventive genius.
He also created military boots that continue to be called "ifikrates" today.He also introduced other useful improvements to the art of war, but it would be boring to write. "
The Makedonian Phalanx was an infantry formation devised by Makedonian vasileos Makedonon Philippoy.
Protective linen armor
The Makedonian vasileos Philippoy, spent much of his youth as a hostage in Dzeva, where he studied under the famous warlord Epaminondas, whose reforms were the basis for Philip's Makedonian Phalanx reforms. The members of the phalanx were professional soldiers and were one of the first troops in history to be organically trained, giving them the ability to perform complicated maneuvers much better than those of their enemies.
They fought in dense square formations of 256 soldiers with an average depth of eight soldiers.The leader was in charge of each row of 16 soldiers, and the assistant leader was in the middle of the line, so that the rear rows could be moved to the sides in case more frontal troops were needed.
The Makedonian Phalanx
The soldiers in the Makedonian phalanx carried one "SOR I OSA - SOR and OSA" - a spear with two tips that was over 6 meters long, with one end - OSA (wasp) - to stab with the other end (if necessary) SOR - to cut and trim. A spear ''The Soriosa'' was carried in two parts that merged before the battle and had to be handled with both hands. Up close, such large weapons were useless, but from a distance, the soldier could easily keep the enemies where they were, without being able to get close. The weapons of the soldiers of the first five rows were quite prominent from the formation itself, so that at all times there were more spears than targets for attack.
Infantry sword ofthe Makedonian Phalanx
Their second weapon was a double-edged sword, linoleum shield partially protected with bronze, wrought iron helmet, bronze shins, special protective sandals - ifikratei and a shield fastened over the shoulder with a rope to free the the handling of the long spear.
The spears of the Makedonian phalanx were made from the tree '' Yasen '' .
Young stems from the tree ''Yasen'' - ash, after its length was determined, in order to obtain firmness and a corrected shape, they were roasted over a low heat, and then the bark was removed and coated with a protective material.
Completely assembled with the two parts, the "sor" wrought iron plate, the "wasa" bronze part and the central iron assembly part, the spear weighed about 5 kilograms and was 7 meters long.
They did not call selfe ''pezetarioi'' (Latin) buth ''PO CHETA IROI'' - '' after a company of heroes'', a more precise interpretation of "pesetaroy" is, pe zeta roj - swarm of rays, ''zeta - ray'', the heavy elite infantry were well trained, and not as some say they were the weakest formation, composed of inexperienced, on the contrary they were well trained.So first ''company of heroes'' - the Makedonian the cavalry, follows, ''after a company of heroess'' - the Makedonian heavy infantry.
T he iron part at the end of the spear SOR and OSA - the part "SOR"
Bronze top part at one end of the spear - '' OSA ''
Coordinated exercises
The Makedonian vasileos Philippoy did not use the phalanx as the main weapon of attack, but as a tool to keep the enemies in one place while the heavy cavalry broke their ranks.
The Makedonian cavalry fought in a wedge formation and was stationed on the right, after breaking through the enemy ranks, the cavalry accompanied the shield-bearers, elite infantry who served as the ruler's bodyguards, followed by the phalanx. On the left wing was always an allied cavalry from Dzetsalia, which fought in a rhomboid formation and served mainly in defense.
The Makedonian Phalanx- vision of the army before the attack
The Makedonian Phalanx- position
The Makedonian Phalanx- attack
The Makedonian Phalanx - crushes everything in front of itself
The Makedonian Phalanx attacked for better synchronization to the beat of military drums, ''the rhythm'' remained noted in Makedonian folklore, to this day, it sounded somehow like this:
The difference between the others and the highly disciplined Makedonian Phalanx
Other units: Hoplity or KOPLITY - KOP LITY - spears who fly, artillery, various artillery pieces, allied reserve supplies, archers, and artillery were also used in battle.
Shield-bearers - from the tribe Agriyany, special forces at the time
The phalanx had rather small luggage, with only one servant of a few soldiers.This gave the phalanx a high marching speed that no one could overcome. In some cases the opponents surrendered due to unpreparedness because they could not predict that his army would arrive so early.
The Makedonian Phalanx was also trained to carry out short assault attacks.
Bronze top, ''MAK'' letters, abbreviation of ''MAKEDONON'', part of the spear probably from a peltast
The Makedonian cavalry - CHETAIROI - ''The Company of Heroes''
[1] "[ Our enemies have lived a carefree and luxurious life for centuries, we from Makedonia have been trained for generations in the difficult life of danger and war. All in all, we are free people, and they are slaves ]." The Makedonian cavalry - CHETAIROI - ''The Company of Heroes''.
The Makedonian heavy cavalry consisted of cavalry companions who were nobles and a Dzetsalian cavalry.The cavalry escorts - the friends consisted of eight squadrons with 200 cavalry each, except the GOVERNMENT EXADRON which had 300- CHETAIROI - ''The Company of Heroes''. They were equipped with spears - klinstoni with a length of 3.6 - 4.2 m and heavy armor. The horses were also partially armored. The riders did not wear shields.
The organization of the Dzetsalian cavalry (which later became part of the Makedonian phalanx) was similar to that of the Makedonian cavalry - CHETA HEROES, in that they had shorter spears and fought in freer formations.
Cavalry protection section of the Makedonian cavalry
Cavalry armor
Cavalry shield part of heavy cavalry found in southern Italy, probably from a mercenary, perhaps from Vasileos Pyrroy's campaign against the Roman Republic, so you can see it's not a coincidence
Makedonian cavalry - CHETA HEROES
Makedonian cavalry sword
Makedonian cavalry swords
Makedonian cavalry
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy fresco Aga - Makedonia
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy fresco Pompey - Italy
From the light cavalry, the units of the so-called"Runners" protected the wings of the army during battle and went on reconnaissance missions.There were several hundred more Allied cavalry who also participated, but were weaker than the others.
Makedonian cavalry helmet found in Iraq
Tripoli Archaeological Museum, Makedonian Cavalry bronze helmet
Makedonian cavalry - Dzetsalian coins
Makedonian horsemen from the Makedonian colonies in BC in Adzeia (Asia)
THE SILVER LANCES A saint came to the Makedonian vasileos Philippoy in a dream saying that ''IF HE FIGHTED WITH A WITH SILVER LANCE HE WILL WIN EVERYTHIN''.
That's how he forms them ''The Silver Lances'' who were the most elite army in the Makedonian phalanx and personal bodyguards of the Makedonian vasileos Philippoy Makedonon.
Fresco from the tombs in Aga - the guard of the Makedonian rulers Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy and Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy, of the Makedonian Saint Unit - Silver Spears
Fresco from the tombs in Aga - helmets (infantry and cavalry) military equipment of the Makedonian Saint Unit (Silver Spears) of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy
A member of the Makedonian Saint Unit - Silver Spears
Apart from Silver Spears there were also units of Bronze Shields
The Silver Lances - contemporary film fantasy
At the beginning, vasileos Philippoy Makedonon married Avdeta, Vardili's daughter, for peace with the Illyrians, but now he is strengthened with the newly formed Makedonian Phalanx in 358 BC.broke the resistance of the Illyrians who occupied northern Makedonia in the time of his brother makedonian vasileos Berdikkoy THIRD and the local tribes. With that he extended his power to city of Dyadzerateon - D ya Dze Ra Те on - he with Те Rа Dzе I D (he) this can be interpreted as "He God and I in the city of light with 3 suns", (Dyatserateon ''es'' is Latin term and for the word "tsar" is early in that period - "Dyassarites'', there must be an error in the transcription) "Lichni - Lichnidos" - Lich nidi - evil nest, counterfeit name, now I will explain (Lake Ohrid).
For a long time I thought, how come the inhabitants of that city have such a negative name - ''Lich nidi'' - evil nest, actually the name of the city was read wrong, whether by foreigners or someone else. The name of the city is not "Lichni - Lichnidos" - Lich nidi - evil nest, rather Lyenidion, this coinage down proves it:
'''' - LYENIDION - LYE (ancient god) NI (we) D (ancient god) I (and) ON (he), mint that proves the true name of the city, "means minted proven''.
LY, was an ancient god of light and fire, forgotten, but in addition to bearing the name of the city, he bears the name of Mount OLYMPE, so called today ''Olympus''.
'' '' - ОLYМPЕ - О LJ М PЕ - O ( o, worship the god) LY (ancient forgotten god of light and fire) M (goddess Ma) PE (god P syllabic).
*** Some kilometers to the west of the city there is another large archaeological site, perhaps it is the older city, and Lichnidi is the newer one from the second century BC, today's Ohrid - the city on the hill, which was built by the Makedonian Tsar (King) Samoil, perhaps romeian Yustinian (Justinian), in recent times it has been claimed that it was actually a fortress of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philipoy Makedonon, archaeological evidence confirms this.
The archaeological sites are probably insufficiently investigated, generally in the entire present-day country of Makedonia.
Makedonian army left 7,000 Illyrian soldiers on the battlefield, 3/4 of their forces.
It seems that Vardilas opposed the treaty with the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Amyntaoy the SECOND and Siras and invaded Makedonia in 393 BC. Vardilas (V ar d il as - in Ar D IL I, not ''Bardilas'') used new military tactics never before used by the Illyrians. He won a decisive battle against Vasileos Amyntaoy the SECOND, expelled him and ruled Makedonia through the puppet ruler Paysania. In 392 BC, Vasileos Amyntaoy the SECOND/THIRD allied with the Dzetsalians and Link and freed Makedonia from the influence of the Dardanians, who were one of the most influential Illyrian tribes at the time. At that time Illyria was a kind of union - confederation, why the "Illyrians" are divided into tribes. However, the Illyrians constantly attacked and ruled the northern borders of Makedonia. After continuous invasions, Vardilas forced the Makedonians to pay him an annual tribute (tax) in 372 BC..
In 370 BC, the worthy Makedonian ruler Vasileos Amyntaoy the THIRD died, having restored the wealth of his state after the disasters at the hands of the Illyrians.His marriage to Evrikika (Eurydice) of Linc, daughter of Siras produced three sons and one daughter.His eldest son was Alexandroy the SECOND.In 369 BC, Vardilas prevented the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexandroy the SECOND from expelling the Dardanians from Makedonia.After the battle, Vardilas is said to have briefly held Prince Philippoy, the youngest brother of Vasileos Alexandroy the SECOND, hostage.In 365 BC, Vasileos Alexandroy the SECOND was succeeded by his brother Vasileos Berdika the THIRD.
The Payonians started a series of raids (robberies) against the Makedonians in support of the Dardanian invasion from the north. Vasileos Berdika the THIRD, the ruler of Makedonia, humiliated by the indignity of having to "to give respect" (pay tribute) to the Dardanians, marched north in the spring of 358 BC. with the Makedonian army, to settle the issue with a battle. This was not the first occasion on which he fought against Vardilas, but the Makedonians lost the battle. The ruler of Makedonia himself was among the 4,000 dead Makedonians. The rest, in a panic, having been frightened by the Illyrian army, lost heart to continue the war. This was the worst loss the Makedonians suffered in the scope of their efforts to free themselves from the Illyrians. The Dardanians followed up their victory by extending their control southward to Lake Dyadzerateian (Ohrid) Lake - Lake of the Three Suns and westward into upper Makedonia. With the actions of Vardilas, the Dardanians brought Makedonia until collapse.
When Prince Philippoy, the youngest of three brothers, children of Makedonian ruler Vasileos Amyntaoy the THIRD and Vasilitsa Evrikika, took over the throne of Makedonia, he was determined to subjugate the Illyrians under the command of the Dardanian Vasile Vardilas once and for all, destroying the Illyrian threat.
In 359 BC, Makedonia could return to a war of liberation against the Illyrians, after overcoming the internal state of political chaos and removing the risk of attack from other opponents. When Vasileos Philippoy son of Makedonian ruler Vasileos Amyntaoy the THIRD took the Makedonian throne, significant territories of Upper Makedonia remained under the control of Vardilas. In order to concentrate on the internal struggle necessary to secure his own position on the throne of Makedonia, Vasileos Philippoy son of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Amyntaoy confirmed the treaty that the Dardanians had imposed on Makedonia by force of arms and stabilized the alliance by his marriage with Avdita, probably niece or daughter of Vardilas. This marriage undoubtedly prevented the entire Dardanian invasion of Makedonia at a time when the country was most vulnerable.
By the spring of 358 BC, Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntaoy had finally secured his throne and was now able to address the liberation of northwestern Makedonia from the Dardanian Vardilas. When the word about the mobilization of the reformed Makedonian army - the Makedonian phalanx - caught the attention of Vardilas, who suggested to Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntaoy that they conclude an agreement to maintain the "status quo" - that everyone should keep what they had won, under condition that both sides keep the cities that were already under their control at that time. This, of course, was unacceptable to Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntaoy, as he was not prepared to accept any terms other than the complete withdrawal of the Dardanians from northwestern Makedonia. Vardilas, however, was in no mood to give up his gains without a fight. The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntaoy mobilized every able soldier in Makedonia for the battle. Vardilas, as before, is unlikely to take any prisoners, so any Makedonian defeat will result in mutilated casualties (victims.).
Considering that its northern border is safe for the time being, the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntaoy (''son of the Vasileos Amyntaoy'' - his name is like that because he did not receive the title from the Makedonians at that time, ''MAKEDONON''), turned westward that summer to recover the territory lost to his brother. The Illyrians led by the Dardanian tribe, led by their ruler Vasile Vardilas, posed a formidable challenge, able to match the military strength of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntaoy, with 10,000 infantry and 500 of his own cavalry against Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntaoy with a slightly favorable 10,000 infantry and 600 cavalry. In addition, Vardilas' infantry had a strong component of shock fighters or so-called, ''for quick intervention'' (meaning the Illyrians actually had a mercenaries army), probably comprising 7,000 soldiers of the total number. Illyrian warriors used a sybina spear with a heavy head and a shield. Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntaoy must have known that they would put his still untried kipaspisti (ki P as P isti - ''how P (the god) I P same'', ''isti'' could be interpreted ''and I with Ti'' - and I with T (the god)) and native phalanxists in a difficult test for close combat, hand to hand. The Makedonians were not facing a newly empowered the Makedonian ruler like Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntaoy, but a capable veteran of many wars, for the Dardanian Vasile Vardilas could have been 90 years old, but he was still strong enough to ride a horse on the battlefield.
The Illyrians prepared to offer battle in the open. Historian Hammond suggests (1994, 26) that this was west of the Carly Derwen Pass on the Plain of Link (Linc), the battle is also known as the Battle of Erigon (Black River).
Link - The city of The Lynx today is the Bitola village of Tsrnobuki
Foundations of buildings, painted marble slabs, cups, amphorae, mosaics, various objects and, of course, forges - all this comes out of the yards of the inhabitants of the Bitola village of Crnobuki (Tsrnobuki)
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntaoy arrived and deployed his phalanx just as in his first action, with the phalangites on the left and center, again engaged the kopliti and kipaspisti on the right in that order and divided the cavalry and light infantry into the two wings. As for the layout of Vardilas' army, the historian Diodorus's claim of a square formation is confused even in the context of his description of the battle and since such tactics were not tested elsewhere except in retreat for either the Dardanians or the Makedonians in this area, (what the historian Diodorus did not understand is that Vardilas knew how the Makedonian phalanx operated. Vardilas knew that he would be surrounded, so he devised a tactic, probably planning to overrun the center of the Makedonian army with a strong frontal attack, but he faced the long Makedonian spears) the version of the historian Frontinius is to be preferred. This indicates that Vardilas set up a linear arrangement, his heavy infantry matched the width of the Makedonian phalanx with even deeper ranks and had the best men - soldiers there, sticking in the middle with cavalry and archers.
The formations closed together, the Illyrians at a fast pace, and the Makedonians slowly to maintain good order. When they finally met, a vicious fight ensued from one end of the field to the other. All the elements of the phalanx at this point moved in chorus to carry out their deadly tasks. Left in the center the spearmen held firm, their long weapons keeping the Illyrian spearmen out of range and wounding at least a few of those leading the Illyrian army. At the same time, Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amtntoy and his lancers advanced on the right striking the Illyrians, as the impulse from the rear ranks relentlessly pushed them forward. The Illyrian front line fighters who opposed them received much less help from behind and were powerless to resist the intense pressure and long spears coming at them. In the end, the Illyrians had no choice but to give in. As the Illyrians retreated, they began to fall back, it was the "hetairoi's" - BATTALION HEROES (elite Makedonian cavalry) and their shield bearers the peltasts (foot soldiers) who now stood out, clearing the way for the coplites and kipaspists by clearing the entire Illyrian cavalry. and light infantry from that flank. Exposed and put beyond endurance, the Illyrian left now completely gave way and sent the rest of their formation into frantic flight under the fierce attack.
The historian Diodorus [7] (1st century BC) writes this about the event:
''And at first, for a long time, the battle was evenly poised because of the excessive gallantry displayed on both sides, and as many were killed and more wounded, the intensity of the battle swayed first one side and then another, constantly swayed by the brave deeds of the combatants. ; but later, while the Makedonian horsemen pressed from the flank and rear and Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntoy in the center of his troops fought like a true hero, the main side of the Illyrians was forced to take hasty flight. The pursuit was maintained from a considerable distance, and many were killed in flight, Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntoy signaled the Makdonians with a trumpet (probably a yak's horn for the purpose) and raised a trophy of victory and buried their dead, while the Illyrians, after they sent ambassadors and withdrew from all the Makedonian cities, they got peace. But more than seven thousand Illyrians were killed in this battle. Но, повеќе од седум илјади илири беа убиени во оваа битка.''
The figure of 7,000 slain referred to by Diodorus among the Illyrians in this battle (16.4.7) is clearly exaggerated. Perhaps it is better to see it as a battle of heavy infantry defeated than as an actual casualty. At the same time, the losses of the Dardanians must have been very high (several thousand according to Justin (7.6.7)), with probably 20 - 30 % killed. The price for the victory of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntoy was much lower, maybe 3 - 5% would be reduced in battle or die soon after from their wounds. Vardilas appreciated the extent of his defeat and wasted no time in suing for peace. The Illyrians later sent representatives and negotiated peace terms, releasing all the cities they had conquered from Makedonia. In this battle, the vexing issue of the city of Link (the danger of an Illyrian invasion) was resolved, changing the situation on the western borders in favor of Makedonia. The city of Link is where Eurydice, the wife of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntoy, came from, the city of Link and its territories were liberated and returned to Makedonia. The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntoy on the northwestern border by annexing the Dardanian territory above Link. This would form a defensive buffer against any future Illyrian attacks attempted via the Drilon Valley (probably an ancient name for Polog). Around the Dyadzerateon (Ohrid) Lake - the Lake of the Three Suns, the borders between Dardania (and the Illyrian Confederation) and Makedonia remained, until Illyria was annexed to Makedonia at one point in time by the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntoy taking the Dardanian Phila as his wife, probably daughter of Vasile Vardilas, the "marriage" was the "annexation agreement''.
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntoy in the north he laid the foundation stone of the new city of Arakleon, he brought under control part of the Payonian tribes, joining them to Makedonia.It is possible that then Dzera became Bellas Dzera (White Dawn), in his honor. He put the cornerstone and to the Damastion or Demastion (it's the same), that city became the main metallurgical center for ore processing in Makedonia.
DA MA S T I ON - DA (D, the name of the creator god syllabically ''DA'' or ''DE'' it's the same) МА (the Great Mother Goddess) S (with) Т (god T was also an important god) I (and ) ОN (he, addition to emphasize that the city is important) - Damastion, mint
In Damastion, the forging of the mints was perfected for the needs of the economy and the financial sector in Makedonia, and the forging of iron was perfected for the needs of the Makedonian phalanx and in general.
''YRRO'' part of PYRROY - Molossian (Ahileian) mint of the Molossian ruler Vasileos PYRROY, a later mint
Molossian helmets
In 357 B.C. Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon marries the Molosian princess Myrrtalas (not Mirtala), whom he renames Olympeas (not Olympia), in honor of Olympe (not Olympus).
This is not an antique medallions, but has been presented as such by forgers
The Adzaians failed to take control of the city of Amphipoliton because the people there did not accept their rule.As a social war broke out in Adzena, the Adzaians agreed with Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy that if he handed over the city of Amphipoliton to them, they would give him back the city of Pynd, conquered by the Adzaians 363 BC. The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy easily captured the city of Amphipoliton, but refused to surrender it to the Adzaians, and by force captured the city of Pynd.Because of this act, the Adzaians declared war on Makedonia.Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy allied himself with Halkideon and Olndzeion and, in order to court them, surrendered the city of Potidea, which he conquered in 356 BC.
The throne of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy
In 355 BC.Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy conquers Kranid, a rich ore center, and renames the city in Philippi.He earned up to 1000 golden talents a year from those places.
Коins from Philippi
We must admit that this is the best-preserved equestrian statue of the Makedonian ruler, a statue from Philippi, present-day Plovdiv, among other things, they hide the name by presenting the statue as "the rider on a horse''
The Adzaians tried to turn back the old enemies of Makedonia: the Illyrians and the Thracians, who were divided into 3 parts after the death of Kotia, led by: Amadoko, Berisade and Kersoplepte. They were defeated by Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy so that Makedonia was extended until to the river Mesta, while warlord Parmenio defeated the Illyrians together with their newly elected ruler Grabo.
356 BC year to the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoywas born his son Alexandoy followed by good news from all over Makedonia, .. for victory over the Thracians and Illyrians and the victory of his horse at the Makedonian Olympic Games on the Makedonian side of Mount Olympus, .... Olympic sports games organizedand financed by Makedonian rulers.
In 354 BC.the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Philippoybesieges the city of Madzeon, DURING THE SIEGE OF THE CITY will lose his right eye. The Adzaians sent 2 fleets to help the city.The first in the winter 354 BC was insufficient and the second 353 BC when the city had already fallen into the hands of the Makedonians.Madzeon was razed to the ground, the population sent into slavery or displaced, as a source of long-term instability for Makedonia, namely the Adzaian colony was allowed to settle in Makedonia during the time of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Amyntioy the FIRST around 498 BC. but since then they have become a "source" of constant instability for Macedonia, the city is no longer mentioned in historical documents after 353 BC. year. On that occasion he used to attack Avdariteon (not Abdera) and Ma Aron (not Maroneia), on the coast Payonian, is Payonian, not Thracian.
Coin from Avdariteon
МАТ RОD ОТ ОS of the genus of MA the Great Mother - coin from Ma Aron
353 BC the Adzaians defeat Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy at the Thracian Caroness - Ilepont, and the Thracian ruler surrenders to the Adzaians all the cities except Cardia (this proves that the coast is Payonian, not Thracian, why the Thracian is not interested in that territory), to secure a safe passage to the Pyon Sey (Pontian Sea).
Meanwhile, the Holy War broke out.
In 353 BC Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy entered in Dzetsalia where he was greeted by 7,000 Phocians and mercenaries led by Failo, brother of Onomerco, ruler of Phocia. Failo was expelled from Dzetsalia, but his brother came to his aid, forcing Philip to withdraw from the battlefield twice.Onomerko succeeded in preventing the action of the Makedonian phalanx.Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy cautiously retreated strategically, but nevertheless returned more organized with a larger army.
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy was criticized for being afraid of the Phocians, but in the end he was right.
Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy comments:
"He does not run away, but, like a ram, he retreats to attack stronger ".
A feature only for an extremely talented leader.
352 BC Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy with 20,000 infantry and 3,000 cavalry, but now assisted by the Dzetsalians, Onomerko with the same number of infantry but with 2,000 cavalry.The battle took place at the place "Fields of the Crossroads", in the battle Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy killed 6000 enemy soldiers, captured 3000 who were drowned in the sea in honor of the god Ile, and Onomerko was killed by his mercenaries and handed over to Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, whocrucified him on the cross.
352 BC.the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy proclaimed himself leader - ARCHONTON until the end of Dzetsalia and annexed it to Makedonia.
The Third Holy War
Ancient sources for the Third Holy War are scarce and generally lacking in information. The main source for this period isthe Library "History Diodorus Siculus" which was written in the 1st century AC, which is a very large second-class source. Diodorus is often ridiculed by modern historians for his style and inaccuracies, but he preserves many details from the ancient period that can not be found anywhere else. Diodorus worked, above all, copying the works of other historians, omitting many details that did not correspond to his purpose, which should illustrate lessons from history; his profile of the Third Holy War contains many gaps.
According to Diodorus, more details about the Third Holy War can be found in the speeches of the Adzaiann statesmen, primarily Demosthenes and Aeschines, these speeches were never intended to be historical material, they must be treated with caution.; Demosthenes and Aeschines are described as:
"A few liars, none of whom can be trusted, to tell the truth in every matter in which that distance in his interest to lie ."
However, their illusions of contemporary or past events point to some of the gaps in Diodorus' mind, helping us by arranging the chronology. The accounts of Diodorus, Demosthenes, and Aeschines can be enriched with fragments from another historian (such as Theopompus) and modern epigraphic sources.
"Modern historians" have debated the war fiercely and there is no clear consensus. ". It is generally accepted that the war lasted 10 years and ended in the summer of 346 BC,the beginning of the war was the occasion of the violent occupation of Delphi by Philomelos of Phocia. After the defeat of Philomelos at Neon, the Dzevans thought it safe to send Pamenes to Dzenika with 5000 hoplites. And the combination of evidence suggests that Pamenes collided with the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy at Ma Aron (Maroneia) in Pyonia (Thrace) in 355 BC. Diodor says that the battle took place when the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy besieged Madzeon in 354 BC. However, Diodors' chronology of the Holy War is very confusing - he dates from the beginning and the end of the war, a year too late, he says differently that the war lasted 9, 10 or 11 years, and includes the sieges of Madzeon twice under different dates -therefore his dates cannot be taken seriously.
Taking into account the dates, most historians agree on the same sequence of events for this part of the Holy War.The main question is when that sequence started. Thus, it dates from 355 BC, Madzeon to 355 - 354 BC, the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy first Dzetsalian campaign to 354 BC.and his second until 353 BC. In contrast to historians: Cavkwell, Sealey, Hammond, and others, all of these dates have been moved by one year, beginning in 354 BC.
The Third Holy War (often referred to as the Holy War) broke out in 356 BC, and will present the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy with his true intent: ''to expand its influence in the affairs of the central and southern Peninsula of Dze. The war was sparked by the refusal of the Phocian Confederation to pay a fine, imposed in 357 BC. by the Amphictyonic League, military-religious alliance who ruled the holiest place during that time in Southern Dzeia (Europe), at the Temple of the God of the Sun in Delphi. Behind the religious element, the real policy of adoption against the Phocians, implemented by the Dzevans, is shown. At that time, Dzeva controlled the majority of votes in the Council, and in the autumn of the meeting in 357 BC, the Dzevans were able to have both the Phocians (for the defense of the Holy Land) and Sparta (for the occupying Dzeva for some 25 years), previously, condemned and punished. The fines for both sides were "unjustifiably harsh" and the Dzevans probably did not expect to be paid, and from that to be declare a "The Third Holy War".
On the ruins of the ancient city of Delphi
In response, the Phocians, led by Philomelos, occupied the city of Delphi (located within the borders of Phocis) and claimed Phocis' ancient claim to be president of the Amphictyonic League, with the intention of overturning the verdict against him. There seems to have been some sympathy in Adzena for the Phocians, as it can be seen from other countries that:
"Dzevans used the Amphictyonic League to pursue their petty and destructive interests ."
The Phocians were backed by Adzena (Dzevas' eternal enemies) and, as expected, Sparta, who did not expect to see their intentions erased when the Phocians captured Delphi with his treasury.However, Philomelos plundered the treasury of the God of The Sun to pay for his expensive mercenaries by raising his powerful army, but he drastically changed the minds of other Dze Peninsula states.
In the winter of 356/355 BC, the "Battle of Holy War " was declared against the Phocians by the council of the Amphictyonic League, and the Thebans were the main protagonists, the war started relatively well for the Phocians, but a heavy defeat was inflicted on the Phocians on Neon by the Dzevans either in 355 or 354 BC.and Philomelos was killed.Frightened, Onomarko undertakes Phocian effort and hires new mercenaries for war.
The Holy War seems to have paved the way for a resumption of the conflict in Dzetsalia.The Dzetsalian Confederation was a staunch supporter of the Amphictyonic League and had an old hatred of the Phocians.On the other hand, the city-state of Ferae is in alliance with Phocia.In any case in 354 or 353 BC, еthanks to the Dzetsalian city of Larissa who appealed to the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy to help them to defeat the Ferae, the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy thus brought a Makedonian army to Dzetsalia, probably with the intention of attacking Ferae.
Under the terms of their alliance, Lutzofron asked Ferae for help from the Phocians, Onomarko was sent by his brother, Falios, with 7,000 men. However, the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy repulsed this force before joining the Ferae. Onomarko then renounced the siege at that moment and withdrew, bringing a new army in Dzetsalia to attack the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy. The exact details of the campaign that followed are unclear, but Onomarko seems to have had two successes, partial defeats to the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy, with many Makedonians killed in battle. After these defeats, the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy withdrew in Makedonia for the winter.
The Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy comments that: "He does not run away, but, like a ram, he retreats to attack again".
The Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy returned to Dzetsalia the following summer (or 353 or 352 BC, depending on the chronology to follow), with the arrival of the new Makedonian army, Vasileos Philippoy formally asked the Dzetsalians to join him in the war against the Phocians. The Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy now gathered all the Dzetsalia opponents of Ferae that he could. According to Diodor, his army now numbered 20,000 infantry and 3,000 cavalry.
The Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy besieged the strategic port of Pagasae (mainly the port of Ferae) before the Battle of the Field of the Cross. With taking to Pagasae, it is likely that Vasileos Philippoy is aiming to prevent Ferae from being reinforced by the sea. Vasileos Philippoy learned a lesson from previous campaigns and wanted to prevent Ferae from outside help before attacking Ferae.
Onomarko, meanwhile, returned to Dzetsalia to try to maintain Phocian supremacy there, with about the same force as in the previous year. The Adzaians also sent Cares with a considerable military contingent to help their Phocian allies, looking for an opportunity to strike a decisive blow against the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy. The Phocians and Adzaians intended to land again at Pagasae, as it was the only port where the Adzaians fleet could be unloaded, but the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy was there just in case.
The Battle
A battle was fought between the Makedonians and the Phocians, after Vasileos Philippoy prevented the Phocians from joining the forces of the Ferae and, most importantly, before the Adzaians arrived. According to Diodor, the two armies remained near the sea, probably near Pagasae - " MINZUHAR field" in Dzetsalia, the terrain corresponds to this description. Now known as the Battle of the Field of the Cross. However, this plane is so large that it is difficult to identify the exact location of the battle.
The Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy sent his soldiers into battle to wear laurel wreaths, the symbol of the God of the Sun - Dze, "as if he were avenger of blasphemy, of insult, and he proclaimed that they were fighting under the auspices of God ". Some of the Phocian mercenaries allegedly threw down their weapons, upset by their guilty conscience. Then followed a battle, the bloodiest recorded battle in ancient Makedonian history fought until then with the city-states.
The Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy won a convincing victory over the Phocians.He seems to have won the battle because of the Makedonian superior number and the courage of Makedonians cavalry.
Of the Makedonian superior number and the courage of Makedonians cavalry.The Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy now had Dzetsalian horses that were terrifying the enemy, so unnamed "heavy cavalry" - the famous Dzetsalia horses, beautiful animals.
Fleeing defeat, the Phocians ran to the sea, where Kares warlord of Adzena fleet arrived during the battle, but many people were killed while fleeing, or drowned while trying to reach the ships. A total of 6,000 Phocian soldiers were killed, including Onomarko, and another 3,000 captured. Onomarko was either hanged or crucified, and the other prisoners were drowned, as a ritual for the temple of the God of the Sun - Dze . These punishments are designed to deny the defeated an honorable funeral; The Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy thus continued to present himself as a godly avenger of the desecration of the Phocians.
For this mass drowning Isocrates has stated:
" Mass drowning will not shock the civilized world, on the contrary it will strengthen it, and it will deter future robbers from their intentions.
Isocrates thought that the mercenaries of Phocis were better dead than alive... The punishment was really terrible, but it was completely in line with the role of the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy as the champion of the God of the Sun - Dze.''
The consequences
It was probably as a consequence of his victory (if not before) that the Dzetsalians appointed the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy as theArchonton of Dzetsalia. This was a struggle for life, with Vasileos Philippoy taking control of all the revenues of the Dzetsalian Confederation and also becoming the commander-in-chief of the United Dzetsalian Army. The tyrants of Ferae, instead of having the same fate as Onomarko, reached an agreement with the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy and in exchange for handing over the port of Ferae, Vasileos Philippoy had allowed 2000 of their mercenaries to go to Phocis.
Vasileos Philippoy spent some time reorganizing Dzetsalia and once satisfied, he planned a march south to the Dzermopole (Thermopylae) crossing, the gateway to the central Peninsula of Dze. He probably intended to take it for himself with a victory over the Phocians and the conquest of Phocis, a prospect that greatly upset the Adzaians, because once he marched to Dzermopole, he could also march on Adzena. For that the Adzaians sent their forces to Dzermopole and occupied the passag;
There is some debate as to whether other contingents joined the Adzaians at Dzermopole. Although it may have proved possible to force the passag, the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy did not try to do so, preferring not to risk defeat after the great successes in Dzetsalia.
Meanwhile, the Phocians regrouped under the control of Onomarkos' brother Faulo. After the great Phocian defeat of Neon and the Field of the Cross, Faulo he had to double the wages of mercenaries in order to attract them in sufficient numbers and thus supplement his army. Despite the defeats, however, most of the Phocians were still in favor of continuing the war. During the winter of that year, Faulo engaged in diplomatic efforts to garner greater allied support for Fokis, and succeeded in expanding the theater of conflict into the next military campaign.
Uniquely, the Phocians were able to make up for the great military loss, thanks to their booty from the treasury of the temple of the God of the Sun - Dze, factor that contributed to the war be ending in unresolved untill 346 BC.
That year 346 BC., Makedonia became a full member of the Amfictonia - the military religious alliance.
The reason for withdrawing from the conquests in the south was that the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy was called in for help by Py (not Bizantion) and Berintion because the new Thracian ruler Kersoblepte wanted to restore the power of Thrace from the time of Kotia. The Adzaians also prepared a fleet led by 40 triremes and a number of armies to defend the strait the Ilepont, but this did not happen because word spread that Vasileos Philippoy was seriously ill. The Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy defeated the Thracian ruler, and his son was sent hostage to Makedonia and was forced to pay reparations. Cities: Araion and Teikon were given to Berintion as a faithful ally.
The Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy encouraged the struggle between the aristocratic and democratic forces in the city-states in order to exploit their dissent and conquer them more easily. For that purpose, with the gold of the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy on the island of Eyvoia was formed ''The Makedonian Group''(the Makedonian Party, at this time they were not political parties but ''groups''), paid to promote Makedonian interests in political life in the City-States. However, from 352 346 BCit will not penetrate south, but will conquer the eastern regions coming to the river Maritsa.
The Rebellion of Eyvoia
Eyvoian City-States entered in the Adzaian confederation in 357 BC after the failure of Dzevan attempts to oversee the large island (near both Adzenika (not Attica) and Voiaa (not Boeotia)). The apparent peace of Eyvoia 357 BC was uncertain because of to hostilities between the Eyvoian City-States (especially between Halkis and Eretria) and because of to the fighting of groups within the police. To maintain their influence, the Adzaians relied on different currents on occasion and sometimes supported tyrants who were rumored to be pro - Adzaian like Plutarch of Eretria. Personal connections between Adzaian speakers and Eyvoian leaders also play an important role: Plutarch of Eretria is a friend of Media, an influential member of Eubulus' circle.
During the winter of 349/348 BC, a riot broke out in Eretria and the tyrant Plutarch was expelled. At the instigation of Media and Eubulus, a small company of Adzaian koplites led by Phocion was sent to Eyvoia to bring Plutarch back to power. Despite his victory at ''Tamynae'', Fokion is soon in a difficult position as he faces has to face a general rebellion against Eyvoia (Euboea). The Adzaian army raid had the effect of uniting most of the Eyvoians against Adzena. The uprising was led by a resolute leader, Kalia of Halkis, whose three-point program:
Eyvoia of the Eyvoians,
leadership of Halkis and
power for Kalia.
Plutarch himself, who had called on the Adzaians for help, allied himself with their opponents.
No source says that Eyvoia's rebellion was caused by the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy, but this uprising is so convenient to him that the assumption could not be refuted. Since 351, Philip has been trying to raise some Eyvoians against Adzena by funding to the "group", there - the Makedonian group - that was the name of the political parties of the time - "group - Druzhina".
In the first ''Philippic'' (37), Demosthenes inserts a letter from the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy to the Euboeans, especially "insolent" to the Adzaians. Kalia in any case he asks an alliance with the vasileos - the ruler of Makedonia;he agrees, promises him financial support, and may send several soldiers. The Adzaians, embroiled in two clashes on two different battlefields, have to make a difficult strategic choice: should the Olindzeoions be helped first or should Eyvoia's revolt be quelled? Demosthenes is a supporter of the first solution and one can easily create an image of his thinking. New delays in sending Adzaian aid to Olindzeoion threaten irreversible loss of an important ally; when Olindzeoion (not Olynth) is saved, there will still be time to restore in Euboea the Adzaian order. True to its strictly defensive strategy, Eubul takes the opposite view: Olindzeoion is far from Adzena, while Eyvoia is quite close and of primary interest for police security.
Eubul's opinion wins: people of Adzena vote for mass gathering of koplites and horsemens and sending them to Eyvoia.
At the beginning of the summer of 349 BC, the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy estimated that the time had come to conquer the peninsula of Halkideon.He sent an ultimatum to the inhabitants of Olindzeoion asking them to hand over the two Makedonian refugees, his half-brothers Aridai and Menelai. The Olindzeoion rejection immediately provoked the Makedonian invasion. In 349 BC.Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy of Makedonia begins the siege of the ancient city of Olindzeoion, an original Makedonian ally - Makedonian land.
Olindzeoions rulers, Aridei and Menelai were also relatives of the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy, who later formed an alliance with Adzena. At the end of the summer, the Adzaians send 38 terriers and 2,000 peltas to Halkideon under the leadership of Hares. Shortly afterwards, they ordered Haridem, who was then in Ilepont (the Dardanelles), to join Hares with his 18 terriers, 4,000 peltas, and 150 horsemen. The effort made by Adzena is not great, but these detachments for the campaign are not insignificant help for the inhabitants of Olindzeoion: at the beginning of the spring of 348 BC, Haridem takes from the Makedonians the territories what they had conquered. In addition, the inhabitants of Olynt can hope that this first support will be followed by more aid, but despite all efforts the city of Olindzeoion in 348 BCis flattened.
Coin from Halkideon (Halkidik) HALKI DE ON - The Alliance of the Ring - Halki - Rings
In 347 BC the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy conquers almost all of Thrace and annexes it to Makedonia. Adzana, meanwhile, threatened by Makedonian conquests, offered peace. In 346 BC. in Dzetsalia the two sides agreed on peace. Later, the Makedonian armies through the Molissia penetrated northwest to the Makedonian Sea and annexed part of Illyria to Makedonia. In 342 BC. Vasileos Philippoy undertook a successful campaign against the Scythiansto the north.
„"As the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy and the Makedonian armies was returning to Makedonia from the Scythian campaign against Atheas, a Thribalian tribe, ''the Tribaloi'', met him and did not allow him to cross if they did not receive part of the booty." . „
This leads to a dispute and tin the battle, in which Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy receives a severe wound in the leg from a spear, which kills his horse.
To strengthen their position on Ilepont, the Adzaians sent new clergy to the peninsula as early as 343 BC;a detachment of mercenaries placed under the leadership of strategist Dyopeiyt is in charge of protecting their settlement. Most cityes of Ilepont are happy to accept cleric (klerusi) reinforcements. But Kardia, an ally of Vasileos Philippoy at least 346, calls the Vasileos of Makedonia who, after proposing arbitration, which the Adzaians rejected, sends several detachments to support it Kardia. In retaliation, and because he needed to pay for his army, Dyopeiyt plundered several Thracian sites from the state of Vasileos Philippoy - Makedonia. Complicating his case, he tortures and blackmails the Makedonian messenger who came to demand his release from the captives. In the spring of 341 BC, the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoysent a letter of objection to Adzena, in which he specifically demanded the revocation of Dyopeiyt.
Persian Legation and Pyton's Task
Before launching a great campaign to end the secession of Egypt, the Great Ruler Artaxerxes Ochus sends a series of embassies to the cities. In Dzeva and Argos, the task of the Persian envoys is clear: they must obtain permission to collect mercenaries. The purpose of the Persian envoys in Adzena is different: forced to depopulate Adzenica somewhat due to his Egyptian campaign, the Achaemenid (Achaemenid is the name of the Persian ruling dynasty) ruler is afraid that the Makedonian ruler the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy- Philip of Makedonia will use the gap thus created to launch a campaign against him in Adzenica. On such a supposition, he would wish the Adzaeans to renew hostilities in the Peninsula of Dze against the Makedonian: he promises them considerable sums to finance that war.
Fearing an agreement between the Great Ruler and the Azaeans against him, Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon sends one of his companions, Pyton of Py, to Adzena, charging him to make all the necessary promises to the Adzaeans to dissuade them from the Persian alliance. Python promises a review of the treaty of 346 BC. in accordance with the Adzaian wishes and is careful not to object to the demands expressed by the Adzaians. The assembly is seduced by his attractive propositions, and rejects the Persian offers with haughty words, evidently incited by the Philippians: the people pass a decree declaring that:
„The friendship of the Adzaians towards the Great Ruler continues, only if the Great Ruler does nothing against the Dze Peninsula" adding that "if the Great Ruler causes any disorder, the Adzaians will summon Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon and all of the Dze Peninsula against him".
Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon he achieved what he wanted.
Artaxerxes, rebuffed by the Adzaeans, liaises with the Makedonian court and perhaps makes a secret non-aggression pact.
Realizing that the Adzaians were increasingly misled by Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon, Demosthenes and Hegesippus avoided outright rejection of his offers of reconsideration, but instead urged the people to demand such significant changes that Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon would be forced to reject them. Prompted by Hegesippus, the Adzaians propose that the article referring to the ``status quo'' ("each shall preserve what he holds") be replaced by an article recognizing the legal rights of both parties ("each shall obtain that which belongs to him"). Such a text would allow the Adzaians to demand the return of Amphipoton and all the places that Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon had seized since his enthronement. This new wording is clearly unacceptable to the Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon:
''The ruler does not hide his bad mood and behaves very coldly towards the Adzaian negotiator Hegesippus''.
Opponents of Makedonia use the change in the attitude of the ruler and declare him a fraud, who promises a lot but who does not keep his word. The Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon again becomes unpopular in Adzena, but this turn of events occurs after the rejection of Persian proposals by the Adzaians. Basically, Pyton's task accomplished what it wanted.
Interference of the Vasileos MakedononPhilippoyin the Peninsula of Dze
In 346 BC the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy could not make a military expedition that would impose him as an arbiter in the Dze Peninsula affairs, but the condition of the Peninsula of Dze gives him numerous opportunities to expand his influence in the area. Most not-assimilated Pelasgian city-states experience very fierce social and political struggles: in many cases, one of the groups (usually the oligarchic) calls out to them to overcome their opponents. The oligarchs of the not-assimilated Pelasgian city-states Megara and Elida, seem to have received funds and mercenaries from Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon in 34% BC. The threat with which Sparta burdens its neighbors Metsanion, Megalopoliton and Argos is a second chance for the ruler of Makedonia. Unable to count on Adzena, an ally of Sparta or the weakened Dzeva, some not-assimilated Pelasgian city-states who fear the restoration of Spartan power seek protection from the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy.
One inscription mentioned by Didim reveals that at the end of 345 BC the inhabitants of Metsanion and Megalopoliton asked to be admitted to the Amfictonia and their main goal was to assimilate and subjugate, such a development would reduce their importance, they collided with rejection, but it is possible that the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy was inclined to such a transformation that would allow him to exercise supremacy over the entire Peninsula of Dze starting at Delphi.
As the Spartans resumed their attacks on their neighbors in the spring of 344 BC, the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy sent mercenaries to help Metsanion, and word spread that he himself was preparing to come and undertake a campaign against Sparta.
Demosthenes manages to be sent by the people as an envoy of the Peninsula of Dze and warns the inhabitants of Argos and Metsanion against the Makedonian alliance;because of their trust in Vasileos Philippoy, the inhabitants of Olindzeion experienced the city being destroyed, and the Dzetsalia lost their freedom.
„ The only protection of democracies against tyrants is mistrust ".
Demosthenes fails to drive the inhabitants of Metsanion, Argos, and Megalopoliton out of the Makedonian alliance, but his action provokes a written objection from the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy who is surprised by the hostile behavior of his Adzaians "allies". While the Adzaians agree on the answer they should give to this letter from the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy.
The Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy, however, continues his interference in the Peninsula of Dze. In 343 BC, he militarily supported his followers in Oreos and Eretria on Eyvoia. In the autumn of the same year, he replaced the ruler of Molosi, Aribay, with the young brother of Olympia, Alexandroy of Molosi, whom he raised in the court in Makedonia and to whom he was very close (evil tongues show him as the boy's heresy).
Coins from Alexander the First of Molosi
At the beginning of the spring he undertakes in principle at the expense of Alexander the conquest of the City-States of Kasopia (northwest of the Gulf of Ambracia). His intention is probably to go to the Gulf of Qudze;then he could transfer armies to the Peninsula of Dze without caring about the Dzevaans and Adzaians, whose possible resistance would be bypassed from the west. The Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy's plans are revealed in time: Ambracia, the Akarnans and the Fochians seek an alliance with Adzena, which immediately agrees and sends troops to Akarnania. Before this resolute resistance, the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy does not insist and returns to Makedonia.
Makedonia to the Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy in 339 B.C
In 340 BC.the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoyconquered Berindzeion (not Perinth) and in 339 BC. Py (not Vizantion, the Romans gave that name to the city, centuries later) with which VASILEONDON Makedonia reaches the Pyon Sey (Black Sea). Later he returned to his old goal - to conquer the city-states.The Adzaian orator Demosthenes, who constantly spoke against the Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, also helped him in that.
The Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philipoy ambitions were not just to conquer city-states and become dependent on him, he says:
2. Aga Sey (Aegean Sea) to become the Makedonian Sea, which borders the Makedonian territories to the east and west, north and south.
Coin from Berindzeion 320 BC
Coin from Py 340 - 320 BC
Another significant discovery Py was the name of the city at that time, not "Vizantion" the Romans gave it that name, so the lies don't stop here Vizantion roman coin 60 BC..
So at that time he was appointed by the Makedonian tribe - MAKEDONON, MAKEDON ON - he is Makedon, son of the goddess Ma the Great Mother. This was a title not his surname. At that time was no used surname in Makedonia.
The Makedonian Vasileos PhilippoyUNIFIER of the OF SIXTEEN MAKEDONIAN TRIBES IN ONE STATE - Makedonia, which were tribes who worshiped the goddess the Great Mother - MA. ''NAROD - NA ROD'' - same gene - relatives - same nation.
АGА, not Aegea or ''vegina''
The Makedonian tribe who Vasileos Makedonon Philipoy who he had unified, it's
(From Aga),
(From Almopija)
(From Bellas),
(From Ber),
(From Belagon),
(From Ilimaia),
(From Link),
(From Orest),
(From Payonia),
(From the Peninsula Halkideon),
(From Molosi - Achilea),
Karians (From Karia - Dzeika, ''ka and Dze'' so-called Asia Minor), therefore the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon planned a campaign on Bersia (Persia) to liberate them, the Phrygians from Phrygia can also be considered, the former worries. In Dzeika or Dzenika there were other colonies of Makedonians, Makedonian colonies colonized earlier),
(From Thrace),
(From Tribalion),
(From Iliria, it was a military union, not a state) and
(From Dardania, for this purpose they were removed from the Illyrian military alliance by the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy Makedonon).
Their common feature is that they worshiped the Goddess Great Mother - MA.
BEFORE THE UNIFICATION THE MAKEDONIAN SUN WAS WITH EIGHT SOLAR RAYS, joined symbolically by rays around (Dze) the ruler:
(From Aga),
(From Almopija)
(From Bellas),
(From Ber),
(From Belagon),
(From Ilimaia),
(From Link),
(From Orest).
338 BC Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy with his army and prince Alexandroy marched towards Dzermopole - the pass of Dze, (not ''Thermopylae), where they collided with a garrison of Dzeva and set out to occupy Elatia. Meanwhile, Adzanas under Demosthenes voted to unite against Makedonia. Adzena sent emissaries and asked Dzeva to unite and become allies.
Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, supported by ''the Holy League'' - Amfictoniada, marched on Amphisa, blocked the mercenaries sent by Demosthenes, and accepted the surrender of the city. Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy then withdrew from Elatea and offered peace with Dzeva and Adzena which was rejected by Dzeva and Adzena.
The fountain of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, built in 338 BC.still used.
It receives water with the help of hydraulic pumps which are the oldest preserved functional hydraulic device in the world.
The fountain was built by the Makedonian army on the order of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy in 338 BC. near Nestani on the Gulf of Gorindze . The numerous Makedonian soldiers who were encamped nearby, for several weeks and needed clean and fresh water before the siege of the city of Amphisa and so with the help of the Makedonian engineers the fountain was made.
Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy conquered the city and expelled the inhabitants of the city because they interfered.
This was seen as the 4thHoly War.
In the battle of Aroneia in 338 BC. the Makedonian army led by Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy defeated the allied Dzevans, Adzaians and their allies.
The Battle of Aroneia
The Battle of The Battle of Aroneia - the land of Aaron the first creator of the land "D" is the second according to the Makedonian calendar, not ''Chaeronea'' (338 BC) took place near Aroneia, in Voioa, and was the greatest victory of the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Philipoy. There the Makedonians under the command of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy with 32,000 army defeated the smaller combined forces of Adzena, Dzeva and their allies, strengthening Makedonian hegemony over the city-states.
The battle was fought according to the classic principles of warfare - the army of Adzena, Dzeva and their allies against the Makedonian phalanx of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy.
The Adzaians under Har, Stratokle and Demosthenes of Adzena were on the left wing, and the Dzevans under Teagen of Voioa with the Dzevan Holy Battalion on the right. The Adzaians and Dzevans were stationed at the center of the battle line, from their right and left their allies.
More accurate number than city states:
Dzevans in total number around 12.000 on the left with the Dzevan Holy Battalion, the Adzaians
in total number around 9.000 were deployed on the left and in the center were the smaller city-states: Eyvoia, Qudze, Megara, Leuca, Corcira with a total of about 9,000 troops and were positioned in the center. The right and left wings were reinforced with 2,500 more mercenaries.The allies were mostly infantry.
Among the Makedonians, Vasileos Makedonon Philipoy commanded the right wing , while prince Alexandoy commanded the left - although supervised by the best commanders of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy. The famous equestrian companions - CHETA IROI - BATTALIONHEROES, were placed behind the Makedonian battle line.
The Makedonians numbered 30,000 heavy and light infantry and about 2,000 cavalry. The phalanx led by Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy and the cavalry led by the young prince Alexandoy.
Ancient sources say the two sides fought fiercely for a long time. Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy deliberately withdrew his troops to the right wing to break through the Adzaian-Dzevan lines.
From the records of the battle of Aroneia by the historian Diodorus Siculus for Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy:
( 4. 2. 2 )
Affront the Adzeians of Aroneia,
Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy starred in the retreat. While, Stradzokle
the leader of the Adzaians ordered his own
soldiers to attack forward, and scream:
''We will pursue them to the heart of Makedonia''
Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy calmly observing them:
''the Adzaians do not know how to win''
and ordered his phalanx to be compact and firm and to retreat slowly,
protecting themselves with shields from attack
of the enemy. When he with this maneuver
dragged them out of their better
position and with this gained supremacy, he stand up
and encouraging his soldiers he ordered a strong attack,
so frighten the enemy and win a magnificent victory in its benefit.
( 4. 2. 7 )
To Aroneia (Chaeronea) Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy knowing that the united cities are passionate and untrained, and Makedonians accustomed to effort and training, it was meant to make the Adzaians be tired and with thus they cannot it endure the final attack.
The young prince Alexandoy was the first to break the Dzevan lines, followed by a brave battalion - CHETA IROI - BATTALION HEROES (probably relatives and friends), seeing this, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy set out to attack with rage, and the Adzaians - passionate but untrained - they could not oppose to the Makedonian veterans. With the withdrawal of the Adzaians, the Dzevans were left to fight alone and were defeated. After a strong fight, prince Alexandoy managed to destroy TOTALLY The Dzevan Holy Battalion. 254 Dzevans soldiers were killed.
'' And now the young prince Alexandoy, in his heart determined to show how valuable he is, thirsty for victory faithfully followed by his comrades>>>> [ hetairoi ]
<<<<<< - , first succeeded to break through the solid defensive line, killing many of them, penetrating deep into the enemy lines in front of him.
The same feat encouraged his friends and they made their way in front of the enemy. ''
'' The corpses piled up while
the young prince Alexandoy do not make open way through
enemy lines and made them to escape.
Then the Vasieos (the ruler) personally attacked in the first line
and did not allow the credit for the young prince Alexandoy's victory either.
He rather made them withdraw the first
rows in front of him forcing them on
escape. He became the most deserving of the victory. ''
Part of the description of the Battle of Aroneia by the historian Plutarch:
'' He was the first to attack the Dzevan Holy Battalion'' (Life of Alexander).
'' all hit in the chest by Makedonian spears '' ( Life of Pelopidea ).
So the Dzevan Holy Battalion was surrounded, from the front the phalanx with the Makedonian long spears, and from behind the young prince Alexandoy with his own >>>> HETA IROI - BATTALIONHEROES <<<< in a well-known Makedonian military tactic.
"[ Our enemies have lived a carefree and luxurious life for centuries, we from Makedonia have been trained for generations in the difficult life of danger and war.All in all, we are free people, and they are slaves ]." The Makedonian cavalry - CHETAIROI - ''The Company of Heroes''.
The Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy made from his son Alexandroy a great warrior. The young prince Alexandoy from childhood he was trained in the difficult nature of danger and war. The Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy made from his son Alexandroymade him sleep with lions and sometimes with snakes, it sounds cruel but the "final product '' is important.
'' The corpses piled up while
the young prince Alexandoy do not make open way through
enemy lines ,...... '' killing many of them, penetrating deep into the enemy lines in front of him.'' - So first before his father the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy who made a "Lion" from his son the young prince Alexandoy. He was always the first to set an example, and with that he gave superhuman strength to his Makedonian HETA IROI - BATTALIONHEROES and soldiers who faithfully followed him in battle.
How did by the historian Plutarch evaluate the Makedonians in the battle of Aroneia (not Chaeronea):
'' The Adzaians treat himself in the battle near Makedonians as demigods among wild beasts
'' .
Another important thing among the Makedonians was that they forgave each other's sins ( if they had an unresolved problem with each other ) before the start of each battle.
So not only well equipped and trained but also mentally prepared THEY CONQUERED ALL UNTIL IN INDIA and had no enemy who could oppose it. UNTIL THEY WERE UNITED and of course as long as they forgave each other their sins.
Of the glorious 300 members of the Holy Dzevan Battalion, 254 were killed, 46 were wounded and captured, and 1,000 Adzaians were killed. Total Voioan casualties are unknown (but at least 254).
The Makedonians started teasing the Dzevans, the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy interrupted them and said:
He buried the dead Dzevans under a statue of a lion - the Lion Aroneia. The other captured Dzevan soldiers were sold as slaves, with that money the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy established a military base in dzeva.
From Dzeva, the Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy went to Adzena and handed over the captured Adzaian soldiers. For this gesture, the Adzaians made a life-size statue of the Makedonian Vasileos Philippoy.
The Lion of Aroneia before being reassembled
Adzena and Dzeva the cities states were defeated and fell under Makedonian rule, but did not have the status of slaves and did not pay taxes. On the General Peace included in the winter 338/7 BC.they were allowed freedom and autonomy but it was still limited, the following obligations were imposed on them by the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy.
They were forbidden:
- forcible change to the government
- new redistribution of land
- debt cancellation
- liberation of slaves
- forcing political opponents
- confiscation of property
- return of political refugees
- entering the service of other states
- association in alliances
- between fights
Through the peace concluded after the battle of Aroneia, the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, although he did not occupy them militarily (except for the four military bases around the island of Eyvoia), still interfered in the internal affairs of the police and the private property of their citizens, and thus their subordinate position in relation to the Makedonians.
In 337 the congress The Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy invited the countries of the region to Qudze or Gorindze (Corinth), all of them, except Sparta, decided to form THE LEAGUE OF DZE (not the Corinthian League), led by the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy. The members of the League agreed not to fight with each other unless it was a matter of stifling a revolution. The Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy was chosen as the leader AGAMEMNON (LIFE LEADER) the name come from Agamemnon of Mycenae, ''hegemon'' is wrong, in the campaign who he planned to undertake against the century-old enemy - the powerful Persia, so that the Makedonians would REVENGE TO THE PERSIAN OCCUPATION OF MAKEDONIA and the others IN TIME.
The Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy thought that the city states had the same interest, so he called them to follow him.
What does THE LEAGUE OF DZE - Alliance actually mean, and it is a replacement for the military-religious organization Amphitony - the old military - religious alliance, which is an alliance for the defense of Persia, with the THE LEAGUE OF DZE - a wider military alliance to attack and destroy Persia, led by Makedonia.
Having the unreserved support of the THE LEAGUE OF DZE, he sent the Makedonian warlord Parmenion with 10,000 troops on a reconnaissance in Dzenika (Asia Minor) and began large-scale military preparations, but at the time of their course in 336 BC. was assassinated at his daughter Dzeia (Europa's) wedding at the city of Aga in the theater. Before that the young prince Alexandoy had returned from exile, before that he had quarreled with his father Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, the reason was the divorce with Olympia.
The Assassination of The Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy written by the historian Diodorus (16.94.3-4):
''Paysania left his horses at the city gates and headed for the entrance of the theater hiding a Celtic knife under his cloak. When the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy ordered his companions friends to wait for him at the theater, when the guards are keeping their distance, Paysania saw that the vasileos - the ruler was left alone and ran towards him, stabbing him in the chest, knocking him dead.
Then he run to the gates to of the horses which had previously prepared them for escape.
Immediately a part of the guard approached the body of the vasileos,
while others prosecuted the assassin.
Among them were Leonant, Berdicca and Atal.
Having a good advantage, Paysania would have ridden
on his horse before he stumbled from one wedge falling.
As he got up, Berdiccas and the others
they attacked him and killed him with their knives.''
The Assassination of The Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy
The great Makedonian ruler, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, was buried in Aga (Aegea), in a secret location, with all the ceremonies and rites.After 2 millennia, the tomb was discovered in 1977 by the Greeks and they ''desecrated'' it - profaned and stolen and destroyed departmentsby the Greeks.
In AGA, where the tomb of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, the father of the Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, was discovered, and in it were discovered over 5000 artifacts and written documents about which the world public knows almost nothing. The Greek government took the found artifacts and written documents to a secret place in Athens with great security measures, and after a while it was learned that those same inventions that were found in AGA were crushed into small pieces and thrown into the depths of the Aegean Sea. With that, GENOCIDE was committed not only on Macedonian but also on World history and civilization.
They destroyed that valuable writing, they made from all makedonian sacred a tourist attraction from the famous Makedonian ruler, they "separated" the artifacts from the Makedonian tomb, to more "archaeological" finds throughout Greece.
Dental work
It proved that the Makedonians in the time of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy had dental knowledge
Makedonia to the Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy in 336 B.C. and territories under the protection of Makedonia -The League od Dze
'' AGA SEY (Aegean Sea) to become the Makedonian Sea, which borders the Makedonian territories to the east and west, north and south '', - the idea of the Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy
- Makedonia 336 BC, north to the Danube, northwest to Dalmatia. Dalmatia stands for Dal Mat i A- and I'm at Ma, so it's a bit harder to determine the North West border. The Illyrians, Dardanians, Tribals and Thracians recognized Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy as their ruler.
- The League od Dze - territories under the protection of Makedonia.Argos, Megalopolis and Messena previously formed the "Arcadian League", an alliance for defense against Sparta, that's what that alliance was for.
- Delfi or Delphi, DE L'FI, from where faith is spoken and preached, Philip of Makedonia separated Delphi from Phocia, so the city became a kind of "Holy Mountain" or the Vatican today, the Macedonian ruler led 2 holy wars in the name of Anfictoniada - the HolyAn alliance based in Delphi, but Makedonia did not become a member of that alliance until after 346 BC. The Anfictoniada League is a religious alliance into which Makedonia was admitted only in 346 BC.And the other stronger members of the Holy Alliance in the past, including Vasileos Philip of Makedon, used that alliance to prevail over the others.
- Sparta remained independent until 330 BC. when it was forced by Antipater to become a member of the League of Dze, until its abolition by Vasileon Makedonon Alexander of Makedon 329 BC . This data is hidden.
- AGA SEY - Aegean sea,
- MAKEDON SEY- Makedonia sea,
- PONT SEY- Black sea.
- The island of Dze, not ''thasos''.
- Kydon - Kay don not ''crete'', it is a "Roman-Etruscan" name, which signifies'' k'r Т'' - the land of T (Taras).
- Halkideon - the bracelets of Don, not ''Chalcidice'',
- The peninsula of Dze,
- Adzenika, not ''attica''.
ILESPONT - the passage from Dzeia to Dzenika (Ile s P on T - Ile with Pon T, not "Hellespont", "hell" is a Latin word).
Marriages of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy
Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy did not make Makedonia a military force only by force and war, but with skillful diplomacy, but also with an ingenious idea: to get married.
The Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy he married after every war he waged with every people.
After the war with Illyria, he married Avdeta and Phila, from whom he had a daughter, Kinani - known for his hunting and war skills.
When he took Dzetsalia he married Nikadzepola from whom he had a daughter Dzetsalonica. From there he took Phila, a famous dancer from whom he had a son Aridey later known as vasileos Philippoy THIRD Aridej.
When he annexed it Molossia, married Olympeas, from whom he had a daughter, Kleopatras (Cleopatra), and Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy. Olympeas - her original name was Polyxenas, but in her childhood she bore the name Myrrtalas, and after the wedding, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy gave it the name Olympyas in honor of the sports games. However, at the end of her life, her name was changed again, this time to Stratonikas.
When he annexed Thrace, he took her as the wife and daughter of the ruler Kotela, Meda. The biographer of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, Satire quoted from Athen (13-557) writes:
'' Taking her as his wife, he brought the second bride to Makedonia, after Olympeas ''. Meda committed suicide immediately after the assassination of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, she was buried in the grave together with the Makedonian ruler with respect.
Finally, LOVED IN HER, he married the Makedonian, Kleopatra and from her he had a daughter, Dzeia (Europa), and after the battle of Aroneia, he officially married her, and then there is his son Karan, a marriage that was the cause of many disagreements and problems.
The Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy said:
[1] - The Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy was asked which people he loves the most and which he hates the most.Philip of Macedon replied:
[2] - '' IF
[4] '' Meet your enemy, face to face.. with equal arms... and after defeating him, respect him and make him your friend, on the contrary, you are NOT the Makedonian ''.
- They do not know how to win ''.
[6] " - '' YOU ARE
[7] - "Did not run away but, like a ram, I pulled back to butt
again harder ".
[8] -
'' There is no wall that is high enough to stop a horse with a cart
filled with gold.''
Quotes for The Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy:
- The historyan Dionysius says that after Aroneia (Chaeronea) [Diogenes of Sinope] he was captured and taken to Vasileos Philip. Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy who asked him who he was, he replied: "Observer of your insatiable greed." For this brave joke he was admired and released. (Diogenes Laertius)
- [Criticizing the slowness of democracy] We are here to do nothing.But when we lie in idleness, we cannot even ask friends to act on our behalf, let alone the gods.Nor is it strange that he, who personally takes part in the campaigns, battles, and military actions, and is always present everywhere, who never neglects pious occasions, in any season of the year, succeeds in prevailing over us, and wewe spend our time voting on decrees and waiting for news.(Demosthenes).
- When the latter [Aeschines and Philcoratus] praised Vasileos Philip as a man of great ability in speaking and handsome to look upon and for DZE - (Zeus), an excellent drinker, Demosthenes could do nothing but invent and degrade, saying that the first praisewas fit for a sophist, the second for a woman, the third for a sponge, none for a ruler.(Plutarch).
- Surely you know that the chief cause of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy success was always that he was the first to arrive: with an army on the fighting foot, always ready and knowing well what he wanted, he surprising those he attacked;while we, only when we know something is happening, only then do we get upset and start preparing.(Demosthenes)
- If you measure your shadow, you will see that it is no longer than it was before the victory [the battle of Aroneia].(Arichdamus 3).
Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy puts sex into practice to achieve his political goals.This powerful "weapon" was used by Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy and the Egyptian (Coptian) ruler of Makedonian origin, Cleopatra.
The tragic story of the death of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy father, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy.And the assassination remained unsolved
Location: Makedonia Period: 336 BC
Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy married Olympias, a princess of Molosia, Molosia was an ally of Vasileos Philippoy.
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy was born of that marriage.
After twenty years, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy married Eurydice, a noble Makedonian family.
Eurydice gave birth to a daughter, Dzeia (Europa), and in 336 BC.So does son Karan.
As a result Olympias and her son Alexander was no longer the heir to the throne.The enraged Olympias retreated into exile in her own country, Molosia.
Sacred marriage
During the summer of 336 it was celebrated in Aga (modern Vergina), the ancient city of Makedonia, at the wedding of the daughter of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy and the ruler of Molosia, Alexander the First.
Olympia, mother of the bride and sister of the groom, saw an opportunity to avenge her family.
The marriage was celebrated and the day after it was announced that a ceremonial procession would precede the start of the games.
The Procession and Death of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy the Makedonian ruler
At dawn, the Olympian Gods were given a procession, including the statue of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy.Before they entered the arena, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy ordered the guards to leave, because only a tyrant needs a military escort among men.Along with Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy were the two young princes: his son Alexandroy and Alexander the ruler of Molosia, the bridegroom.
Upon entering, one of his bodyguards, Paysania, approached and stabbed Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy.Paysania fled to the outskirts of the city, where accomplices were waiting for him with horses that were from the mountainous regions of Makedonia, and one even from the Aegean, but he stumbled and was hit by the pursuers.
Death of Paysania
According to some Paysania was immediately killed by the pursuers, as in practice was followed in many other cases of great crimes.According to others, he was arrested, brought to the arena, interrogated and sentenced to death immediately, perhaps with excessive speed.
Aristotle's version: the homosexual version
According to Aristotle, who lived at court as Alexander's tutor, Paysania killed Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy because he had been insulted by the followers of Attalus, the father of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy wife Eurydice.
It is one version of xomosexuals.Paysania was the lover of Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy Atalus, jealous, would lure him to dinner Paysania, after getting drunk and under the influence of alcohol, was subject to sexual violence by his men.Paysania sought revenge for that act on the part of Attal, but Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy would not hear of those grievances.
This version tends to present the murder as a private matter and to vilify Eurydice's family.
Attalus was later killed by order of Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy, and Eurydice by order of Olympias.
Paysania and Olympia: a conspiracy born in Molosia
Paysania was a noble who came from the western provinces, which had just been annexed to Makedonia.Previously, these lands were part of the Molosians.The family of Olympia - a Molosian princess, was related to Paysania.Contacts between the two families can be frequent and Olympia can also influence Paysania's family.
The fact that there were accomplices to Paysania
Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy's death would lead him immediately to the throne of Alexandroy
An alternative was that after Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy's death Eurydice's son, the grandson of Attal, came to the throne.
By killing Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy, Olympia took revenge, and the throne of Macedonia was taken over by her son.
According to Justin (9, 7. 10), Olympias, when she returned to Makedonia:
"She placed a golden crown on Paysania's head, erected a tomb, offered sacrifices in his honor and dedicated to Dze the sword with which Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy was struck."
However, the joy of killing does not mean that she was involved in the act itself.
Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy version, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy'swas killed by the Persians
According to Arrian ( Expedition of Alexander , 15, 5 ), Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy claims that the death of his father was to be attributed to the Persians, already at war with Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy.In reality these people don't seem to be bragging, but it could have been military propaganda.
Who was the initiator?
There are many hypotheses, but as in other cases of major crimes, there is no evidence.Unfortunately, the killer, the nobleman Paysania, was killed while on the run or shortly after being arrested, another classic pattern.He must not speak.
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Philippoy son of the Vasileos Amyntoy in the north he laid the foundation stone of the new city of Arakleon, he brought under control part of the Payonian tribes, joining them to Makedonia.It is possible that then Dzera became Bellas Dzera (White Dawn), in his honor. He put the cornerstone and to the Damastion or Demastion (it's the same), that city became the main metallurgical center for ore processing in Makedonia.
DA MA S T I ON - DA (D, the name of the creator god syllabically ''DA'' or ''DE'' it's the same) МА (the Great Mother Goddess) S (with) Т (god T was also an important god) I (and ) ОN (he, addition to emphasize that the city is important) - Damastion, mint
In Damastion, the forging of the mints was perfected for the needs of the economy and the financial sector in Makedonia, and the forging of iron was perfected for the needs of the Makedonian phalanx and in general.
One other coin from Damastion KE ARAKLE I DON - Like Arakleon (Hercules) and Don (God). The city of Demastionis not found because they are looking for him in the wrong place, he is in area of Kreatovo, not in area of Ohrid.
The minting of Makedonian of gold and silver coins was perfected in the city of Demastion - ''DA MA S T I ON - DA (D, the name of the creator god syllabically ''DA'' or ''DE'' it's the same) МА (the Great Mother Goddess) S (with) Т (god T was also an important god) I (and ) ОN (he, addition to emphasize that the city is important and unique'', the first, by Makedonian vasieos Makedonon Philippoy, became a truly unique masterpiece in antiquity and was used throughout the ancient world. The mints were made from domestic ores and the current mines around Kratovo, Zletovo and Kozuf. This was confirmed by the laboratories from France and Germany that comparatively analyzed the ores and coins of by Makedonian vasieos Makedonon Philippoy and vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy , excavated throughout the archeological sites throughout Republic of Macedonia, in the last few years.
The found ancient coins at the Isar Marvinci site were sent by professors Blazo Boev and Sonja Lepitkova from the Faculty of Mining from Stip and professor Vladimir Bermanets from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics from Zagreb to a laboratory in the German city of Darmstadt, the exact composition of the coins, and then where the ores were taken to be minted. The coins date from the 4th century BC and are made from the Kratovo-Zletovo volcanic area.
The analogy of the helmets found at the same site showed that they were made of ores in Kratovo. These findings determine that the ancient Makedonians lived in this area, and Vasileon Makedonon Alexandroy himself used Kratovo ore for his coins.
The Makedonian ruer Vasileos Amyntoy the FIRST introduced the coin - STATER of silver (srebrenik), the system copied it from Persia to facilitate economic development in Makedonia.
S TAT AR more credibly.
STATAR - homeland - state
S'TATO - ''STATO'' - state, but in Italian.
''Patria'' - homeland, all is related to the word ''father'', in relation to the state.
Vasileos Amyntoy the FIRST introduced the and the coin - DRAHМА - DR AH МА.
The word DRAHМА is Makedonian, more precisely it is a sum of 3 words:
D'R - gift
АH - for
MA - the goddess Mother - Ма
So: DRAHМА - A gift for the goddess Mother - Ma ke don i a. The goddess Mother - Ма, he seeks only his own, not another.
The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Alexandroy the FIRST, he was the first to put the alphabet "KOINON MAKEDONON" , on the Makedonian coin - stater, with that he protected the Makedonian alphabet and this act of his is of great importance.
In Damastion, Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy drastically improved the Makedonian coin - stater of silver and introduced a new of gold - gold stater, so the Makedonian coin made of silver (srebre-nik) and gold (zlat-nik) - stater, became an international currency for payment in trade and economy.
DAMASTION - DA MA S T I ON - DA (D, the name of the creator god syllabically ''DA'' or ''DE'' it's the same) МА (the Great Mother Goddess) S (with) Т (god T was also an important god) I (and ) ОN (he, addition to emphasize that the city is important, means unique, the first.
Probably The Makedonian ruler Vasileos Makedonon Philippoy introduced the coin DRAHМА - A gift for the goddess Mother.